Helldivers 1:Training

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Helldivers 1 is a top-down twin-stick shooter video game, and the training is an essential tool for new players to learn the basic mechanics and controls of the game. In this article, we'll go over the topics covered in the training in the order they appear. The training is split up into three parts: Basic, Advanced and a Simulated mission

Basic Training

Being Downed

The first topic covered in the training is being downed. In the game, when your character's health reaches zero, they will fall to the ground. While downed, you can move your character and use your sidearm, but you will gradually bleed out. To get back up, you can spam the action button or have another player help you up. If you die, you will respawn immediately in single player as long as you have auto reinforcements available, and in multiplayer, a player must call you back in with the stratagem.

Ammo Boxes

Ammo boxes are the second topic covered in the training. When you run out of ammo for your weapons, you can replenish it by approaching an ammo box and pressing the button. Note that ammo boxes only replenish your ammo, not stratagems.


Reloading is the third topic covered in the training. To reload your weapon, simply press the reload button. The reload time will vary depending on the weapon you are using.


Shooting is the fourth topic covered in the training. You can shoot your weapon by pressing the right trigger.


Aiming is the fifth topic covered in the training. To aim your weapon, you can use the right stick. Note that the game has a laser sight equipped by default that appears when you aim, but you cannot zoom in. Additionally, the tutorial covers weak points, which can be targeted for maximum damage.


Grenades are the sixth topic covered in the training. You can throw a grenade by pressing the left bumper. The distance the grenade travels is determined by how long you hold the button down. You can carry a maximum of two grenades at once, and there is only one type available in the tutorial.


Sidearms are the seventh topic covered in the training. In the game, you can switch to your sidearm by pressing the switch weapons button. The tutorial covers using the sidearm to avoid killing players nearby.


Sprinting is the eighth topic covered in the training. To sprint, you can push in the left stick.

Going Prone

Going prone is the final topic covered in the training. You can go prone by pressing the square button, which will protect you from friendly gunfire, but you will be unable to use any weapons while in this position.

This completes the basic section and will enable you to move onto the advanced training.

Advanced Training

The advanced section is based around the use of Stratagems.

Stratagems in Helldivers are powerful support abilities that players can call in during a mission. They are activated by holding the left bumper and inputting a code, followed by throwing the stratagem.

The stratagems shown in the training are as follows:

Resupply Stratagem

The Resupply Stratagem is a support stratagem that calls in an ammo box to the player's location. This can be used to refill the player's ammunition during a mission.

Dive Bomb Stratagem

The Dive Bomb Stratagem is an offensive stratagem that calls in a powerful bomb from the sky, capable of dealing significant damage to enemies.

Minigun Turret Stratagem

The Minigun Turret Stratagem is a defensive stratagem that calls in a minigun turret. Players must be prone to deploy this stratagem, as the turret may cause friendly fire if deployed while standing.

Stratagems have a limited number of uses and are replenished between missions.

Auto Reinforcements

In single player, Auto Reinforcements are available. The number of auto reinforcements is increased with each objective completed. In multiplayer, if a player dies, it is up to the rest of the squad to call the Reinforcements stratagem to bring back all dead players, including themselves if they throw the stratagem upon death.

this completes the advanced section and will enable you to move onto a example version of a mission

Simulated Helldiver Mission

The simulated mission is a training exercise that allows players to experience a real Helldiver mission in a controlled environment. This section will walk players through the objectives and challenges they may encounter during an actual mission. The objectives are to blow up a bug nest with a Hellbomb and extract. Players will encounter enemy forces such as the bugs, as well as environmental hazards such as fire and cliffs. This section will also cover the use of maps and tactical movement. The simulated mission provides a valuable opportunity for players to hone their skills and practice the techniques they have learned in the training before embarking on real missions.