Ship Modules

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Aboard a Super Destroyer, the Patriotic Administration Center provides access to Ship Management, which allows for upgrading Ship Modules. These upgrades affect several different game mechanics for the Helldiver who purchased them, other deployed divers must own their own.

Ship Modules cost Common Sample Logo.png Rare Sample Logo.png Super Sample Logo.png Samples and Requisition Slip.svg Requisition to upgrade.

Super Destroyer Fleet Upgrade(s)

On release, there were three upgrade tiers per section of the Super Destroyer. Occasionally, additional upgrades may be released.

On 2024-04-11, in a configuration change between patch 1.000.202 and 1.000.203, a fourth upgrade was released for all ship sections.[1][2]

On 2024-07-05, in patch 1.000.404, a fifth upgrade was released for all ship sections.[3][4]

Module Upgrades

Ship Section Upgrade Name Common Rare Super Requisition Effect
Patriotic Administration Center Donation Access License Common Sample Logo.png 60 Support Weapons deploy with the maximum number of carriable magazines.
Streamlined Request Process Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 40 Decreases Support Weapon stratagem cooldown by 10%.
Hand Carts Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 60 Super Sample Logo.png 5 Decreases cooldown for all Backpack stratagems by 10%.
Superior Packing Methodology Common Sample Logo.png 150 Rare Sample Logo.png 150 Super Sample Logo.png 15 Requisition Slip.svg 20,000 Resupply stratagem boxes refill Support Weapons with the maximum number of carriable magazines.
Payroll Management System Common Sample Logo.png 200 Rare Sample Logo.png 200 Super Sample Logo.png 20 Requisition Slip.svg 30,000 Reduces reload time for all support weapons by 10%.
Orbital Cannons Exploding Shrapnel Common Sample Logo.png 100 Reduces damage falloff from center of explosions caused by orbital Stratagems.
More Guns Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 60 Barrage orbitals fire 1 additional salvo(s) per barrage.
Zero-G Breech Loading Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 80 Super Sample Logo.png 10 Orbital stratagem cooldown time reduced by 10%.
Atmospheric Monitoring Common Sample Logo.png 200 Rare Sample Logo.png 150 Super Sample Logo.png 15 Requisition Slip.svg 25,000 Orbital HE barrage spread reduced by 15%.
High-Density Explosives Common Sample Logo.png 250 Rare Sample Logo.png 200 Super Sample Logo.png 20 Requisition Slip.svg 35,000 Increases the damage radius on explosions caused by orbital Stratagems by 10%.
Hangar Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit Common Sample Logo.png 80 Eagle stratagem cooldown time reduced by 50%.
Pit Crew Hazard Pay Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 40 Reduces Eagle Rearm time by 20%.
Expanded Weapons Bay Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 80 Super Sample Logo.png 10 Increases number of Eagle stratagem uses per Rearm by 1.
XXL Weapons Bay Common Sample Logo.png 150 Rare Sample Logo.png 150 Super Sample Logo.png 15 Requisition Slip.svg 25,000 Eagle stratagems that drop multiple bombs will drop 1 additional bomb(s).
Advanced Crew Training Common Sample Logo.png 200 Rare Sample Logo.png 250 Super Sample Logo.png 25 Requisition Slip.svg 30,000 Eagle Rearm cooldown further reduced by 10% if called in while Eagle uses still remain.
Bridge Targeting Software Upgrade Common Sample Logo.png 60 1-second reduction in call-in time for all Orbital Stratagems.
Nuclear Radar Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 40 Increases enemy ping radius on minimap by 50 meters.
Power Steering Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 80 Super Sample Logo.png 10 Improves steering for Helldivers during Hellpod deployment.
Enhanced Combustion Common Sample Logo.png 200 Rare Sample Logo.png 150 Super Sample Logo.png 15 Requisition Slip.svg 25,000 Fire damage from Stratagems increased by 25%.
Morale Augmentation Common Sample Logo.png 250 Rare Sample Logo.png 200 Super Sample Logo.png 20 Requisition Slip.svg 35,000 Reduces cooldown time for all Stratagems by 5%.
Engineering Bay Synthetic Supplementation Common Sample Logo.png 60 Rare Sample Logo.png 10 Reduces cooldown time for Sentry, Emplacement, and Resupply stratagems by 10%.
Advanced Construction Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 60 Super Sample Logo.png 5 Increases health of Sentry stratagems by 50%.
Rapid Launch System Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 80 Super Sample Logo.png 10 All Emplacement stratagems launch immediately once called in, reducing overall deployment time.
Circuit Expansion Common Sample Logo.png 200 Rare Sample Logo.png 150 Super Sample Logo.png 20 Requisition Slip.svg 20,000 Lightning arcs, fired from weapons and turrets, jump to one additional enemy.
Streamlined Launch Process Common Sample Logo.png 250 Rare Sample Logo.png 200 Super Sample Logo.png 25 Requisition Slip.svg 30,000 All Support Weapon stratagems launch immediately once called in, reducing overall deployment time.
Robotics Workshop Dynamic Tracking Common Sample Logo.png 60 Rare Sample Logo.png 20 All Sentry stratagems launch immediately once called in, reducing overall deployment time.
Shock Absorption Gel Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 40 Super Sample Logo.png 5 Increases ammo for all Sentry stratagems by 50%.
High-Quality Lubricant Common Sample Logo.png 80 Rare Sample Logo.png 80 Super Sample Logo.png 10 Sentries rotate towards new targets more quickly.
Blast Absorption Common Sample Logo.png 150 Rare Sample Logo.png 150 Super Sample Logo.png 20 Requisition Slip.svg 25,000 Sentries take 50% less damage from explosions.
Cross-Platform Compatibility Common Sample Logo.png 250 Rare Sample Logo.png 200 Super Sample Logo.png 30 Requisition Slip.svg 35,000 Mortar Sentries prioritize fire at marked targets.
Total Common Sample Logo.png 3,830 Rare Sample Logo.png 2,920 Super Sample Logo.png 305 Requisition Slip.svg 335,000

Change History



Added Level 5 Modules.


Added Level 4 Modules for all Super Destroyer systems.
