Shops and Unlocks

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This page contains all relevant information regarding anything that can be unlocked or bought with currency in Helldivers 2.

The Superstore

The superstore contains two armor sets on a 2 day rotation. Armor and helmets are bought separately and the price can vary between 75 and 400 Super Credits.


Warbonds let you unlock new weapons, armor and other things by spending medals.

Helldivers Mobilize Warbond

The Helldivers Mobilize Warbond was released during the games initial launch. It is available to all players at no additional cost and features 10 pages of content, in contrast to the three pages of Premium Warbonds. It requires 2,015 medals to complete.

Steeled Veterans Premium Warbond

The Steeled Veterans Warbond was released during the games initial launch. It is the first premium warbond, costing Super Credit.svg 1000 Super Credits to unlock. It is also included in the Super Citizen Edition. Some highlights include the Incendiary Grenade, JAR-5 Dominator explosive weapon and the SA-12 Servo Assisted Armor which has the servo-assisted armor passive, increasing throwing range. It requires 686 medals to complete.

Cutting Edge Premium Warbond

The Cutting Edge Warbond was released on 2024-03-14, and costs Super Credit.svg 1000 Super Credits to unlock. It is themed around energy weapons containing weapons like the LAS-16 Sickle, ARC-12 Blitzer, and SG-8P Punisher Plasma. The armor sets within also have a new armor passive, Electrical Conduit. It reduces arc damage taken. The warbond requires 672 medals to complete.

Democratic Detonation Premium Warbond

The Democratic Detonation Warbound was released on 2024-04-11, and costs Super Credit.svg 1000 Super Credits to unlock. It is themed around explosive and high penetration weaponry, featuring the BR-14 Adjudicator, R-36 Eruptor, and CB-9 Exploding Crossbow. The armor sets feature three different, pre-existing Armor Passives. The warbond 699 medals to complete.

Polar Patriots Premium Warbond

The Polar Patriots Premium Warbond was released on 2024-05-09, and costs Super Credit.svg 1000 Super Credits to unlock. It contains a variety of weapons such as the AR-61 Tenderizer, SMG-72 Pummeler and PLAS-101 Purifier. It contains a number of cold weather themed armor sets with pre-existing Armor Passives. The warbond requires 669 medals to complete.

Super Destroyer Upgrades

The ship management console lets your unlock new Stratagems with Requisition Slips, and upgrade and unlock Ship Modules with Samples.