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There are a few Biomes in Helldivers 2. A given Planet may only have one Biomes, but multiple Planets may have the same Biomes. Names for the Biomes are community made, as official names cannot be found.

Ordinary Climate

Biomes with no climate modifiers

Name Image Description Environmental Conditions Planets with this Biome Notes
Nuclear Wasteland Nuclear Wasteland Landscape.png

The lifeless grey of this planet is interrupted only by the violet flowers that grow from strange, parasitic outcroppings.

— Description

Crimson Hills Crimson Hills Landscape.png

A crimson algae has propagated wildly across this entire planet, coating its rocky hills with a constant red that masks the spilt blood of the heroes who defend it from tyranny.

— Description

Ionic Forest Ionic Forest Landscape.png

The strange subversion of photosynthesis that sustains the oddly-hued flora that flourishes on this planet remains an intriguing mystery to the Super Earth's greatest exo-biologists.

— Description

Mystic Forest Mystic Forest Landscape.png

This world teems with ethereal, boundless, and peculiar plant life that spreads silent and uninterrupted across its entire surface.

— Description

  • None
Quaking Badlands Quaking Badlands Landscape.png

The arid, rocky biome covering this world as driven the evolution of exceptionally efficient water usage in its various organisms.

— Description

  • Tremors: Frequent earthquakes stun players and enemies alike.
  • Maps are divided into sections by large walls of stone

Rocky Wetlands

Rocky Wetlands Landscape.png

Rocky outcroppings punctuate fields of tall grass in a planet dominated by misty highland terrain.

— Description

  • Rainstorms: Torrential rainstorms reduce visibility.
Taiga Forest Taiga Forest Landscape.png

A perennially chilly climate has allowed short, colorful shrubs to flourish across this planet's surface.

— Description

  • None
Volcanic Jungle Volcanic Jungle Landscape.png

Abundant with life, this wet planet is covered in deep oceans, thick forests, and tall grasses.

— Description

Swamp Swamp Landscape.png

Tall, gnarled trees flourish across the surface of this forested world. Sunlight filters past dangling vines, to the saturated undergrowth below.

— Description

  • Rainstorms: Torrential rainstorms reduce visibility.
Super Earth Super Earth landscape.png

Super Earth - Our home. Prosperity, liberty and democracy - Our way of life.

  • None

Intense Heat

Biomes with the Intense Heat modifier

Name Image Description Environmental Conditions Planets with this Biome Notes
Scorched Hell Scorched Hell Landscape.png

Scorching temperatures, high winds, and low precipitation cause a near-constant cycle of fires to sweep this planet, punctuated by short bursts of lush rebirth between infernos.

— Description

  • Intense Heat: High temperatures increase stamina drain and speed up heat buildup in weapons.

Fire Tornados: Planet is ravaged by deadly fire tornados.

Scorched Desert Scorched Desert Landscape.png

A blazing-hot desert planet, its rocky mesas are the sole interruptions to the endless sea of dunes.

— Description

  • Intense Heat: High temperatures increase stamina drain and speed up heat buildup in weapons.
  • Sandstorms: Dense sandstorms reduce visibility.
Caustic Badlands Caustic Badlands Landscape.png

Dense, toxic fumes from deep within the planet's crust seep out of cracks in the earth and coat the ground in a sickly haze.

— Description

  • Intense Heat: High temperatures increase stamina drain and speed up heat buildup in weapons.
  • Acid Storms: Violent acid storms reduce visibility.
  • Maps are divided into sections by large walls of stone
Quaking Desert Quaking Desert Landscape.png

A desert planet prone to unpredictable and dangerous sand twisters.

— Description

  • Intense Heat: High temperatures increase stamina drain and speed up heat buildup in weapons.
  • Tremors: Frequent earthquakes stun players and enemies alike.

Extreme Cold

Biomes with the Extreme Cold modifier

Name Image Description Environmental Conditions Planets with this Biome Notes
Frozen Boneyard Frozen Boneyard Landscape.png

Ice and moss-covered rock can be found across most of the surface of this planet.

— Description

  • Extreme Cold: Icy temperatures reduce rate of fire and delay heat buildup in weapons.
  • This Biome features Lakes, which segment the map, and the bony remains of massive creatures
Frozen Moon Frozen Moon Landscape.png

A rocky, lonely moon with extremely valuable mineral deposits underneath the surface.

— Description

  • Extreme Cold: Icy temperatures reduce rate of fire and delay heat buildup in weapons.
  • Meteor Storms: Meteors impact the surface causing massive damage.
Frozen Wasteland Frozen Wasteland Landscape.png

Submerged in eternal winter, this world's frosty peaks glimmer in the light of its too-distant star.

— Description

  • Extreme Cold: Icy temperatures reduce rate of fire and delay heat buildup in weapons.
  • Blizzards: Intense snowstorms reduce visibility.
  • Has slippery ice
Tien Kwan Tien Kwan landscape.png

Tien Kwan Ice and moss-covered rock can be found across most of the surface of this planet.

  • Extreme Cold: Icy temperatures reduce rate of fire and delay heat buildup in weapons.
  • Meteor Storms: Meteors impact the surface causing massive damage.
Cyberstan Cyberstan landscape.png

Once the stronghold of the Cyborg traitors, New Cyberstan is now ruled by the Automaton Legion.

  • Extreme Cold: Icy temperatures reduce rate of fire and delay heat buildup in weapons.


Name Image Description Environmental Conditions Planets with this Biome Notes
Supercolony Supercolony Landscape.png

Entirely unforeseeable mutations from the Termicide led to hyper-accelerated bug growth on this planet, turning it into a Supercolony. It is corrupted beyond saving. The bugs infest every inch of it, down to the mantle, spawning trillions of spores every day.