Personal Device

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Personal Device may be found at Human Structures, like the Elevated House.


Here's a list of possible transcripts found when interacting with a Personal Device:

  • "The Ministry of Humanity would like to congrulate you on approval for marriage. Enclosed are instructions for consolidating domiciles."
  • "Ministry of Defense study indicates enemy morale reaching new, unprecedented lows."
  • "The Ministry of Science reminds all citizens of the numerous citizenship benefits to enrolling yourself and you family in medical studies. Could your body be of greater use to Liberty?"
  • "The Ministry of Humanity has processed your missing persons report. Result: [CLOSED.] Conclusion: [Mine mishap.]"
  • The screen is frozen on a rousing reminder of the value of strenuous labor.
  • "Remember: complaints are the gateway to dissidence."
  • "Reminder: Planetary Overseer elections are just around the corner!"
  • "Please report immediately to your Loyalty Officer for investigation. Reason: [Citizen Report of Dissident Speech]."
  • "Congratulations on your acceptance to Trailblazer University, the premier online educational Institution for tomorrow's colonial leaders."
  • "Don't forget! Catch the bi-weekly State of the Federation announcement at 8PM tonight (absence must be pre-approved):"
  • "Attention: Your Animal Companion request for [1] [hamster] has been denied at this time."
  • "Don't forget to vote on YOUR colony's Patriot of the Month!"
  • "Please present this certificate as proof of approval to perform a left-handed salute for the duration of your injury."
