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{{Currency}} template can be used to display the currency icon and the amount of currency, if specified.




  • Type is a required parameter, and can be (case insensitive):
    • Experience, EXP, XP
    • Requisition Slips, Requisition,
    • Medals,
    • Super Credits, SC
    • Common Samples, Common,
    • Rare Sample, Rare,
    • Super Samples, Super
  • Amount is an optional parameter, and can be any number.
  • notext is an optional parameter, and will remove text from the end of the output if present.


{{Currency|Experience|200}} XP.png 200 Experience
{{Currency|XP|200}} XP.png 200 Experience
{{Currency|Super Credits}} Super Credit.svg Super Credits
{{Currency|Common Samples|35|notext}} Common Sample Logo.png 35
{{Currency|Rare Samples|notext}} Rare Sample Logo.png
Additional Examples.
{{Currency|Experience|200}} XP.png 200 Experience
{{Currency|XP|200}} XP.png 200 Experience
{{Currency|Experience}} XP.png Experience
{{Currency|XP}} XP.png Experience
{{Currency|XP|200|notext}} XP.png 200
{{Currency|Experience|notext}} XP.png
Requisition Slips:
{{Currency|Requisition|7500}} Requisition Slip.svg 7500 Requisition
{{Currency|Requisition Slips|7500}} Requisition Slip.svg 7500 Requisition
{{Currency|Requisition}} Requisition Slip.svg Requisition
{{Currency|Requisition Slips}} Requisition Slip.svg Requisition
{{Currency|Requisition Slips|7500|notext}} Requisition Slip.svg 7500
{{Currency|Requisition|notext}} Requisition Slip.svg
{{Currency|Medals|15}} Medal.svg 15 Medals
{{Currency|Medals}} Medal.svg Medals
{{Currency|Medals|15|notext}} Medal.svg 15
{{Currency|Medals|notext}} Medal.svg
Super Credits:
{{Currency|Super Credits|150}} Super Credit.svg 150 Super Credits
{{Currency|Super Credits}} Super Credit.svg Super Credits
{{Currency|Super Credits|150|notext}} Super Credit.svg 150
{{Currency|Super Credits|notext}} Super Credit.svg
Common Samples:
{{Currency|Common Samples|80}} Common Sample Logo.png 80 Common Samples
{{Currency|Common|80}} Common Sample Logo.png 80 Common Samples
{{Currency|Common Samples}} Common Sample Logo.png Common Samples
{{Currency|Common}} Common Sample Logo.png Common Samples
{{Currency|Common|80|notext}} Common Sample Logo.png 80
{{Currency|Common|notext}} Common Sample Logo.png
Rare Samples:
{{Currency|Rare Samples|40}} Rare Sample Logo.png 40 Rare Samples
{{Currency|Rare|40}} Rare Sample Logo.png 40 Rare Samples
{{Currency|Rare Samples}} Rare Sample Logo.png Rare Samples
{{Currency|Rare}} Rare Sample Logo.png Rare Samples
{{Currency|Rare|40|notext}} Rare Sample Logo.png 40
{{Currency|Rare|notext}} Rare Sample Logo.png
Super Samples:
{{Currency|Super Samples|10}} Super Sample Logo.png 10 Super Samples
{{Currency|Super|10}} Super Sample Logo.png 10 Super Samples
{{Currency|Super Samples}} Super Sample Logo.png Super Samples
{{Currency|Super}} Super Sample Logo.png Super Samples
{{Currency|Super|10|notext}} Super Sample Logo.png 10
{{Currency|Super|notext}} Super Sample Logo.png

{{Currency}} template can be used to display the currency icon and the amount of currency, if specified.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

Currency Type1

Name of the currency to be displayed

Suggested values
Experience XP Requisition Slips Requisition Medals Super Credits Common Samples Common Rare Sample Rare Super Samples Super
Common Samples
Currency Amount 2

Amount of currency to be displayed

Hide currency name3

Assign 'notext' to hide the name of the currency

Suggested values