User talk:ChaosDiver Bob

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Rogue 5 edits

A documentation wiki is no place for fan-made content. Please create a userspace page for that instead, for example at User:ChaosDiver Bob/Rogue 5. --LordKelvinX2086 (talk) 19:24, 23 August 2024 (UTC)

As I reiterated to you several times, the purpose of the wiki is to document the data of the game itself. This is not a fanon wiki. There's no reason why a player clan should have a page on the wiki. Additionally, please make sure to keep discussions on talk pages, do not edit other users' actual pages. --LordKelvinX2086 (talk) 23:56, 23 August 2024 (UTC)

Do you not understand what is a documentation of events is? I did not produce "fan-made content" in providing an explanation. Here is proof of that this in-game event did occur. Please provide evidence that documentation of this event is fan-made? Not how the ChaosDiver Movement is fan-made, how documentation of said movement is fan-made If you believe that is fan made content, then I would refer you back to Melevelon Creek page under the "In the Helldivers 2 community" as that is documentation of fan-made event and should promptly be deleted.|

Hey ChaosDiver Bob!

My name is Betta7776, I'm one of the administrators of the Helldivers wiki. This wiki in its current state does not post anything community-made unless it gets specifically called out in patch notes or in other in-game content. Malevelon Creek is a perfect example of a community movement that got called out by the dev team a ton, and has actual content in-game for it. We are still working on figuring out how to exactly incorporate unofficial lore into the wiki, but know that it will not be a part of the main namespace unless specifically called out by the game or the dev team. Does this help clear up some confusion relating to Rogue 5? If you wanted to talk a bit more about how we could get this documented along with ideas around how we can incorporate unofficial lore in general, please feel free to reach out to me or hop in our discord server!

Also feel free to brainstorm a "Chaosdiver" page on your user namespace, that would be 100% allowed and even appreciated, we just cant have it appear on normal official pages at this time due to it being completely community-based right now. If the dev team call it out in the future we can use the page you create on your user namespace as a template for the actual page. An example of a page you could put information onto would be User:ChaosDiver Bob/Chaosdivers

Betta7776 (talk) 01:22, 24 August 2024 (UTC)