Vending Machine

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Vending Machines can be found at Human Structures.

Tactical Information

  • Vending Machines can be climbed on to reach the roof of buildings or other high places


Vending Machines
Image Name
File:Blue Vending Machine Structure.png Blue Vending Machine
File:Blue Vending Machine Structure.png Orange Vending Machine


Here's a list of possible transcripts found when interacting with a Vending Machine:

  • Without power, this vendor of beverages is only a lifeless husk. Another innocent casualty of Tyranny.
  • "Offerings include: Dr. Democracy, Mr. Taste, Prof. Delicious, & Yummm, Esq."
  • Once alive with a calming hum, the abandoned machine now lies dormant.
  • The Ministry of Prosperity ensures every colony has access to the latest beverages, extending libationary ingenuity to all Super Earth's citizens.
  • "Diet Democracy. Free yourself."