Hive Breaker Drill

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The Hive Breaker Drill Stratagem is only available on the Nuke Nursery mission and is used to start the main objective, and is heavily based on the Tectonic Drill. Once called in, the Hive Breaker Drill is delivered to a fixed location at the drill site via Pelican. It initially drops in a large casing, which will unpack itself after a few seconds to reveal its terminal.

Once unpacked, the drill must be started using a 5-direction code, and defended until it can successfully burrow a nuclear device into the surface. If too heavily damaged, the process will stop and the code must be re-entered. Once the drilling has completed, a button must be pressed to start a 10 second countdown timer until the device explodes, leaving a very large crater behind, of which the bottom can not be seen.


  • Despite the resulting crater seemingly not having a bottom, and the crater walls being 90 degree angles, Terminids have little difficulty traversing through the hole, walking on the walls as if they were flat ground.
  • The Hive Breaker Drill shares an icon with the Prospecting Drill.


Change History



  • Added to the game.