Localization Confusion

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Localization Confusion Booster Icon.png

Localization Confusion is a Booster in Helldivers 2

Increases the time between enemy encounters.


This Segment is community driven and not verified by Arrowhead themselves.

  • Helldivers 2 refers to breaches and dropships as encounters.
  • A community member comments that "it's a solid 10% cooldown increase and delay for calling in reinforcements and when they arrive" [1]
  • Another community member, unsatisfied with the booster, noted these points:
  1. 10% delay on next bot/bug alert, so useless
  2. It reduce spawns, just delays the next call in
  3. Spawns can never spawn simultaneously
  4. Enemies can call in reinforcements 10% slower/less often
  • Another source indicated that rough testing concluded that it increases reinforcement times by +- 10% [2]
  • To be read and added from this source [3]
  • To be read and added from this source [4]
