Dark Fluid

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Dark Fluid is a highly-classified, experimental substance weaponized by Super Earth in their battle against the Terminids. Originally of Illuminate origin, it was weaponized by Super Earth's scientists to aid in the destruction of the Supercolony on Meridia.


Dark Fluid is first mentioned (in-game)[1] with Super Earth's Major Order, which ordered Helldivers to defend the planets of Turing, Angel's Venture and Fenrir III, which would be used as staging areas to attack, and eventually destroy Meridia's Supercolony.

Confirmed to be Illuminate technology stolen at end of the First Galactic War, it is the first mention of alien technology being explicitly used by Super Earth. While its original use is currently unknown, the weaponized version of it is extremely dangerous, as an accident in the Moradesh Dark Fluid research facility created a micro-black hole, resulting in the "spaghettification" of 12 facility members. Luckily, the micro-black hole evaporated, which meant that no long-term harm was caused on the facility.

It was deployed into the crust of Meridia by the Helldivers, before reaching critical mass, successfully eradicating the supercolony and leaving a black hole in its place.


  • The introduction of the Dark Fluid is the first official mention of the Illuminate in Helldivers 2. While there have been speculation regarding their possible return to the sequel (due to the original game having three factions to fight against), there have been no official confirmation of their return.
  • The name of the substance may reference Dark matter, the hypothetical form of matter holding galaxies together, and Dark energy, the mysterious form of energy responsible for the expansion of the universe.



  1. Dark Fluid first mentioned in a video uploaded on the official Helldivers II X (Twitter) account