Rock Paper Scissors

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The ancient art of Rock, Paper, and Scissors. Created over 5 decades ago.

Rock Paper Scissors is an emote in Helldivers 2. The Helldiver says “let's play” and extends their fist. They hold it out until the player moves or another player interacts with them. This emote can be claimed in the Helldivers Mobilize Warbond for 50 Medals.

Secondary Interaction

If another player approaches a Helldiver performing this emote and presses the action key, a mini-game will begin with three options appearing on both players' head-up displays: Rock, paper, or scissors. Rock wins over scissors. Scissors win over paper. Paper wins over rock. The game can tie if both picked the same.


Resupply Stratagem Icon.png
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Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Voice Lines

Resupply Stratagem Icon.png
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Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Trigger Voice Line Audio
When emoting Let's play. File:RPS Play.ogg
When shaking hands One, two, three… File:RPS Shake.ogg
Winner I win. File:RPS Winner.ogg
Tie Tie! File:RPS Tie.ogg

Change History




  • Playing Rock, Paper, Scissors in front of the ship no longer causes player to fall out into space.


Released with the game.