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Equipped with a Heavy Cannon identical to the Cannon Turret, a coaxial Fusion Repeater, and hull-mounted Fusion Repeaters. Turret rotates rather slowly.

  • Similar to a Cannon Turret, the Annihilator's Cannon will briefly flash red before it fires.
  • Without support, the slow rotation and reload of the Annihilator can make it an easy target for Helldivers at close range. It is recommended that Helldivers approach the Tank facing away from its coaxial Fusion Repeater.
  • The back of the Annihilator's Cannon has a large vent that can be damaged by medium armor-piercing Support Weapons such as the AC-8 Autocannon.

Equipped with a quad fusion autocannon turret, similar to the Anti-Air Emplacement. Turret rotates quickly.
  • The Shredder's turret is deadly at range due to its high rate of fire, relatively short reload, and fast rotation speed.
    • Despite this, the turret has lighter armor behind its shield, making it vulnerable to medium armor-piercing Support Weapons.