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"Automaton Artwork by pro100ker"

Automaton icon.png

The Automatons are mindless, bloodthirsty robots, coded for nothing but murder and socialist violence. Their origins are a mystery, but their unthinking hatred of Freedom makes them a threat to all citizens of Super Earth. Please note that attempting to discover the origin of the automatons is a crime against Super Earth's imperialistic ideology. Super Earth reminds its citizens that anyone engaging in any way with the automaton propaganda regarding enslavement is a "socialist terrorist".

They are one of two factions Helldivers can currently fight against, with the other being the Terminids.

List of Automatons

Resupply Stratagem Icon.png
This section is missing information about something that needs to be specified. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

List of Automaton Structures

Image Name
Automaton icon.png
Automaton Outpost
Automaton Fabricator.png
Automaton Fabricator
Detector Tower.png
Detector Tower
Mortar emplacement.PNG
Mortar Emplacement
Gun Ship Facility 2.png
Gunship Facility
Cannon Turret.png
Cannon Turret

Voice Lines

Automaton Voice Lines
Line Scenario Verified?
Cyberstan chant Unknown Yes
Super Earth will fall again Unknown Yes
Helldiver Scum/Human Scum/Organic Scum Unknown Yes
Scum Unknown Yes
You cannot stop Unknown Yes
They're making me do this Berserker No
Please help Berserker No
For Super Earth Unknown No
These machines are sapping my soul Unknown No
Super Earth will burn Idle (non-aggroed) [1]
F*ck you Unknown No (from youtube, could be deepfake)

Automaton Language

The Automaton language has been deciphered to be Swedish words written in a custom script of characters. The following image denotes the conversion of these symbols into their respective Swedish characters

"Automaton Language Conversion Chart"

The following file contains a True-Type Font for easy of use of media creation in the automaton language. It contains all the characters seen in the Automaton Language Conversion Chart.

Download on MediaFire (created by @tinycube on discord)


Posters, and warning labels that the Automatons have created, translated and displayed in this section. It is deciphered from the Automaton language into Swedish and then into English.



  • The Automaton Marching Cadence is used by patrolling Automatons
    • The rhythm matches up perfectly with the beeping of randomly scattered pods. They may use those as a metronome.
  • The Automatons were defeated in the first war on the 7th of April 2024.
  • They have since returned on the 9th of April 2024 with a strong assault using FTL technology to invade Super Earth liberated sectors. They came in through the Valdis Sector into the Lacaille Sector and ended in the Hydra Sector. The Valdis Sector is home to Cyberstan which may be a motivator for the Automatons since it is their home world where their creators, The Cyborgs, were captured and forced to work in the mines on the planet.

Change History


  • Undocumented: Added Gunship and Factory Strider.
  • Fix: The Helldiver and the Exosuit both had a bug that made them sometimes take explosion damage multiple times making things like automaton rockets be too deadly, this is now fixed.
  • Fix: Automaton enemy constellations that preferred to spawn more of certain Devastators types did not work and are now functioning as they should. This means that sometimes when playing against the Automatons you will face more Devastators instead of other enemy types.