Cannon Turret

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The Cannon Turret is an Automaton weapon present at Automaton structures. It starts appearing at Challenging Difficulty Icon.pngChallenging and at Automaton occupied Minor Place of Interest, which start appearing at Suicide Mission Difficulty Icon.pngSuicide Mission. It can also be found in Automaton Outposts.

Tactical information

  • It may not always rotate towards a Helldiver who has engaged Automatons without shooting near the turret itself. However, it will try to retaliate when shot at.
  • Due to being mounted atop a large pillar, the Cannon Turret cannot fire at anything that gets too close as its gun barrel cannot depress far enough down.
  • Its weakspots are the glowing orange heatsinks on the rear of the turret. To destroy it:
  • It may also be destroyed with the following Stratagems:
  • When about to shoot, its barrel glows red for a very short time.
  • As this turret uses Explosive Damage, even a near miss can launch unlucky Helldivers into the air, or at the very least knock them prone.
  • Beware their long range and seemingly indecisive targeting behaviour; turrets may seem to ignore a Helldiver in one instance, only to aggressively lock on and open fire at extreme ranges in others. Fortunately their projectile velocity is relatively low, so they can be avoided at long range by staying mobile. Most larger Automaton outposts have at least one turret on higher difficulties, sometimes two.

See also

A similar Turret can be found on Automaton Vehicles: