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First Battle of Veld - The Battle of Orion Sector

First Battle of Veld
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Feb. 29th
End Date Feb. 29th
Planet Veld
Operation Operation Valiant Enclosure
Casualties Around 500 thousand Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Operation Valiant Enclosure Phase I
Summary Veld liberated.


Recently, Angel's Venture and Heeth were liberated, as they were a part of Major Order. To liberate Orion Sector, Helldivers had to liberate Veld, the new target of a Major Order.

Strategy and importance

The Battle was important, as capturing Veld would push Terminids out of the Orion Sector, also Veld was a target of a Major Order.


Battle was fast, Helldivers liberated Veld from Terminid infestatation quickly. The bugs were pushed out of the Orion Sector for a month, until the second battle of Veld.

Broadcast from Super Earth announcing the Terminid outbreak on Veld. This outbreak led to the First Battle of Veld

Second Battle of Veld - Ensuring Orion's Sector's Safety Once More

Second Battle of Veld
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 6th
End Date May. 10th

May. 9th

Depending on the timezone

Planet Veld
Casualties Around 1.5 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Contain Supercolony Outbreaks
Summary Veld liberated. Orion Sector is safe once more.


TCS has critically failed, fortunetly, TCS on 3 out of 4 barrier planets was deactivated just in time. But Meridia couldn't be rescued from the terminid infestation, Meridia quickly turned into a Super Colony, it was covered in disgusting Terminid spores. Meridia started to produce much more spores than other infested planets. Enough, to attack five planets at the same time, one of them, was Veld.

Strategy and importance

If Veld stayed under Termind control, Terminids could access Celeste Sector, that is very close to Solar System.


The battle ended on 9th of May (EST). Around 1.5 million Helldivers died during this liberation campaign, but their sacriface was worth it, as Orion Sector became safe once again.