Helldivers 1:Commando Pack

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Helldiver Commandos are the best of the best, specialists at being a one-man army capable of leaving a wake of death and destruction. Though they are seen as one man armies, the Commandos value teamwork greatly due to their equipment.

  • The Commando Uniform: A cosmetic appearance option consisting of a helmet, body armor and cape.
  • SMG-34 Ninja: A silenced, compact, submachine gun with short reach and good accuracy. The silenced aspect has been debated much and there is no proof that it actually reduces the risk of detection.
  • MLS-4X Commando: A multiple missile launcher system similar to the one used on the EXO-44. From its four barrels it fires seeking missiles at a high rate of fire. Primarily an anti-personnel weapon, it can be upgraded to have limited anti-tank capabilities.


  • The Commando Pack DLC was released on 17 March 2015 and is available to buy on its own (for $2.99) or as part of the Reinforcement Pack DLC bundle (for $5.99) which also includes the Defender Pack and Support Pack DLCs.
  • The Commando is a nod to the 1985 Schwarzenegger action film Commando, in which the main character (who is basically a one-man army) carries a missile launcher that closely resembles the MLS-4X.