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First Battle of Mort - The Great Victory in Xzar Sector

First Battle of Mort
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Start Date Feb. 27th (?)
End Date Feb. 28th (?)
Planet Mort
Casualties Around 10 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order No
Summary Mort liberated.


The Automatons have launched cowardly surprise attacks on multiple highly-populated Super Earth planets. The Super Earth Armed Forces in the region have been overrun. Million of citizens are in grave danger of death, or disenfranchisement. This grievous attack on Freedom will not go unanswered. The homes of our citizens must be defended.

The Draupnir has fallen, Helldivers in Severin Sector were cut off. Now, Helldivers focused on liberating Mort, an important planet in the Xzar Sector.

Strategy and Importance

Mort was an important planet, it was required for securing Pöpli IX.


Not much is known about the battle. We suppose that it started on 27th of February, and ended on 28th of February. What we know, is that it was for sure won by The Helldivers.

Memorial Gallery

Galactic Frontier During the First Battle of Mort.

Second Battle of Mort - Great Defense of The Xzar Sector

Second Battle of Mort
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Start Date Apr. 23rd
End Date Apr. 24th
Planet Mort
Casualties Around 4 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Defense on Two Fronts
Summary Defense successful.


Freedom is under attack once more. In an act of sinister syncronicity, both the Terminids and Automatons have launched large-scale assaults. The Helldivers must now defend our citizens on two fronts at once. Mort was one of the targets. Automatons attacked it, after many other planets were brutally conquered by Automatons.

Strategy and Importance

Mort was an important planet, as it is located in Xzar Sector. If captured, Automatons would gain a foothold in another sector.


The battlle has ended on 23rd of April, and ended around 14 hours later. It was won by Helldivers. Automaton forces in the sector were completely obliterated and as for now, they didn't even try to come back once again to this sector.

Third Battle of Mort - Second Defense of The Xzar Sector

Second Battle of Mort
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Start Date Jun. 20th
End Date Jun. 23rd
Planet Mort
Major Order No | Defend the Xzar Sector
Summary Helldivers were able to liberate Mort after it was lost in the first phase of the battle.

The liberation of Mort allowed Helldivers to liberate Pöpli IX at the same time, marking the first successful "Gambit" move in the history of the Second Galactic War.


While the Helldivers were having fun wiping out hordes of Terminids, the Automaton front was all but abandoned. The Automatons decided to use this opportunity to attack the Xzar Sector.

Strategy and Importance

Mort is a strategically important planet, placed in the northern part of the Xzar Sector. It's the fastest way for Automatons to reach the heart of Xzar Sector and conquer it.


The battle began on June 20th, when Automatons launched an attack on SEAF positions on the planet.

The Helldivers were greatly outnumbered, as most of them were focused on the Terminid front. The Automatons quickly took the planet.

Some time later, a new Major Order was announced, ordering the Helldivers to liberate and defend the entire Xzar sector.

Automatons launched 2 attacks, one on Vandalon IV (Trigon Sector) and the other on Ingmar (Xzar Sector). The Helldivers concentrated on defending Ingmar, which delayed the liberation of Mort. Soon after Ingmar was successfully defended, the Automatons launched an attack from their outposts on Mort, targeting Pöpli IX.

The Helldivers decided to encircle the Automaton attack forces by taking Mort. This move was successful, and Helldivers were able to liberate 2 planets at the same time.

Memorial Gallery

Galactic Frontier During the Third Battle of Mort.