Operation Enduring Peace

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Operation Enduring Peace was a military operation against the Terminids during the Second Galactic War in Helldivers 2. It was a significant mission aimed at destroying the Meridia Supercolony.

Meridia before Phase II

Phase I

The goal of first phase was securing a route to Meridia, by liberating 3 neighbouring planets: Turing, Fenrir III and Angel's Venture.

Fenrir III and Angel's Venture were already liberated, so Helldivers were tasked with liberating Turing. Terminids for some reason didn't attempt to attack neither Fenrir III nor Angel's Venture.

Helldivers quickly liberated Turing, marking the success of the Major Order.

Meridia after the Phase II

Phase II

Phase II of the operation aimed to destroy the Meridian SuperColony.

This phase introduced a new mission type: Deploy Dark Fluid. Helldivers were tasked with drilling into the planet using Tectonic Drills that were equipped with Dark Fluid, that was then deployed into the planet.

Helldivers have quickly destabilized the planet. Tectonic integrity begun to decrease and many Terminids attempted to escape to neighbouring planets: Fenrir III and Acamar IV.

One final push was made by the Helldivers. Meridia begun to collapse under its own weight. A gravitational anomaly occurred and Meridia turned into a Black Hole.


The Operation Enduring Peace was a success. Meridia turned into a Black Hole. The exact number of casualties is unknown, but we know that around 38 million Helldivers died on Meridia.