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First Battle of Pandion-XXIV

First Battle of Pandion-XXIV
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 6th
End Date May. 7th
Planet Pandion-XXIV
Casualties Around 4 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order No
Summary Defense failed, as most Helldivers focused on planets that were a part of a Major Order.


Meridia Super Colony was recently created, Helldivers successfully managed to disable the TCS on the other Barrier Planets just in time, making them avoid the fate of Meridia. Meridia started to produce a lot more spores than other infested planets. Meridian spores started to spread around neighboring Sectors, Orion and Jin XI Sectors.

Strategy and importance

Pandion-XXIV wasn't a key planet back then. Terminids wouldn't do much, if they took it. Additionally, Major Order tasked Helldivers with liberating Acamar IV, that if liberated would cut off the planet making it easier to be liberated later.


The battle lasted for 24 hours, Helldivers didn't manage to defend it.

Second Battle of Pandion-XXIV

Second Battle of Pandion-XXIV
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 7th
End Date May. 22nd
Planet Pandion-XXIV
Casualties Around 20 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order No
Summary Pandion-XXIV recaptured.


Helldivers had successfully secured Acamar IV, then most Helldivers moved to liberation of Pandion XXIV.

Strategy and importance

Liberating Pandion-XXIV was important for keeping the Jin Xi Sector safe.


The Battle ended on 22nd of May. Helldivers managed to recapture it, after a long time of Terminid control. Around 20 million Helldivers died during this battle. The victory allowed Helldivers to focus on Phact Bay, and recapture entire Jin Xi Sector.