Terminate Illegal Broadcast/In Depth Guide

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Setting A Drop Zone

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Drop Zone.png

When selecting a drop zone, it is important to select a spot close to the main objective (red icon) but not on top of it. With these rules in mind, with the scenario described in the map above, the "B1" marker is the best location to drop.

Selecting A Loadout

The Terminate Illegal Broadcast/In Depth Guide mission involves a large amount of destruction, so the best Stratagems to bring in are going to be of the Eagle or Orbital type. Orbital stratagems always have a red dome on the bottom of the icon, while eagle stratagems always have a plane on their icon. The image below shows an example of each of these Stratagem types.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Loadout Example.png

Along with these Stratagems, the MG-43 Machine Gun is a good option for a weapon that can easily take down most enemies. It should be taken as well.

Completing The Primary Goal

The primary goal should always be done first, to ensure the mission gets completed successfully. The Illegal Broadcast Station will be a location that looks something like the following image:

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Location Example.png

This location will have Automatons roaming within it as well as around it. If one of the Automatons see you, they will shoot a red flare into the air to call for reinforcements. If you see an automaton attempting to shoot off a flare, try to kill it before it is able to shoot. If the troop that tried to call in reinforcements is successfully killed, there is a high chance a new troop will take over their place and attempt to shoot a flare of their own.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Flare Example.png

Destroying The Broadcast Tower

The easiest way to complete the Terminate Illegal Broadcast/In Depth Guide mission is to destroy the broadcast tower directly. The Broadcast Tower will look something like the following image:

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Tower Example.png

The Eagle and Orbital Stratagems are perfect for destroying the tower. Simply activate the stratagem by inputting the correct code, and throw the targeting beam at the base of the tower. Once the Stratagem hits the mission should show as complete and the ability to extract will become available.

Disable Broadcast Tower

If destroying the broadcast tower is not an option, the tower can instead be disabled utilizing a terminal at the base of it. Simply approach the terminal and tap the "Interact" key to turn it on

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Terminal Step 0 Example.png

After a few seconds, the terminal will complete its boot-up sequence and the interaction prompt will return. Interact with the terminal again to enter the terminal view. Similar to calling in Stratagems, the player will need to input a series of directional codes to unlock the control panel. As the code is input, the arrows on the screen will change from white to yellow.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Terminal Step 1 Example.png

If you need to exit the terminal for any reason, you can re-press the interact key to exit the view. Once the arrow code is complete, a loading bar will appear. This is a waiting step with no input required from the player

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Terminal Step 1-1 Example.png

Once the waiting step is completed, a new interactive screen will appear on the terminal. This screen involves the user using their directional inputs to find the spot with the best signal strength. Using the UP and DOWN directional input will adjust the bars on the right side of the terminal. Using the LEFT and RIGHT directional inputs will adjust the circle on the left side of the terminal. Terminate Illegal Broadcast Terminal Step 2 Example.png

Start by using the UP and DOWN inputs to get the signal strength as high as possible. Once the highest value is found, use the LEFT and RIGHT inputs to push the signal strength to 100%.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Terminal Step 2-1 Example.png

Once the strength is at 100% stop all actions, the terminal should complete after a few moments, completing the mission.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Terminal Completed Example.png


Once the main mission is complete, a blue beacon will appear in the sky, indicating the extraction location of the mission.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Extraction Beacon Example.png

This beacon will not move or disappear, and can be used to navigate to the extraction terminal. The extraction terminal will be found at the base of this beacon

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Extraction Terminal Example.png

Interacting with this terminal will give another string of directional inputs required. Complete this terminal step the same way as the first step of the illegal broadcast tower terminal.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Extraction Terminal Step 1 Example.png

Once the inputs have been entered, the player will be kicked out of the terminal and a timer will begin.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Extraction Terminal Complete Example.png

The player will need to stay close to the extraction terminal for the next two minutes while waves of enemies attack. A warning will appear if the players get too far away from the extraction site, giving the players 20 seconds to return to the extraction zone. If the players do not return in time, the extraction will be canceled and will need to be re-triggered.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Extraction Out Of Range Example.png

Once the timer reaches 0, the extraction ship will arrive. It will shoot enemies as it lands, and open its rear door for the players to enter.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Extraction Ship Arrival Example.png

The ship will remain there as long as needed, until a player enters it. Once one player enters the ship it will remain until either all players enter or 20 seconds has passed. players within the ship are fully invulnerable to damage. Once all players are dead or have entered the ship, it will fly away and complete the mission.

Terminate Illegal Broadcast Extraction Successful Example.png