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First Battle of Tibit - Tibit - The Planet-Factory

First Battle of Tibit
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Start Date Mar. 31st

Apr. 1st Depending on the timezone

End Date Apr. 6th

Apr. 7th Depending on the timezone

Planet Tibit
Operation Operation Swift Disassembly
Casualties Around 44 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order No | Operation Swift Disassembly Phase IV
Summary The Battle was won on Apr. 7th, unfortunetly because of failed Ubanea Gambit it was too late for the Phase II to succeed, but the late part of the battle was a part of Phase III, which succeeded.


Ubanea Gambit has failed, Phase II of Operation Swift Disassembly was lost. Fortunetly, Helldivers quickly managed to recapture Draupnir during the Last Battle of Draupnir and Ubanea during the Second Battle of Ubanea.

When Ubanea was liberated, Helldvivers received a Major Order that tasked them with liberating Malevelon Creek, because of this Tibit stayed under Automaton Control for longer.

The Phase III of Operation Swift Disassembly also didn't order Helldivers to liberate Tibit.

Finally, The Phase IV of Operation Swift Disassembly ordered Helldivers with liberating Maia (Assault on Maia), Durgen (Siege of Durgen - the largest battle during the Second Galactic War to this date) and Tibit.

Strategy and Importance

Tibit was the largest producer of Automaton Combatants. Capturing the planet would really harm the production of Automatons.


The battle lasted for around a week. During the Phase IV of Operation Swift Disassembly, Helldivers focused on liberating Maia (Assault on Maia), a planet located in the north (upper section) of the Severin Sector.

After completely obliterating Automaton forces on Maia, Helldivers focus on TIbit next. Liberation of Tibit was a matter of hours. Helldivers quickly captured Tibit and all the fabricators on this planet were deconstructed.

Around 44 million Helldivers died during this battle.