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The First Battle of Troost

The First Battle of Troost
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Start Date Mar. 28th
End Date Mar. 29th
Planet Troost
Casualties Around 16 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Operation Swift Disassembly Phase I
Summary Troost liberated.


The first phase of Operation Swift Disassembly has begun, with Troost being the target of this phase. Helldivers have liberted Ustotu (Second Battle of Ustotu) and Vandalon IV, making attacking Troost possible.

Strategy and importance

Troost was a strategically important planet, as it was a home to many Automaton Communication Networks, the last not liberated planet in the Trigon Sector and the target of a Major Order.


The battle started on 28th of March and ended a day later, on 29th of March. Automatons attempted to distract Helldivers by attacking Vandalon IV, but obviously they didn't stand a chance to recapture the planet, Helldivers have quickly crushed the Automaton forces on Vandalon IV and Troost.

The Second Battle of Troost

The Second Battle of Troost
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Start Date Jun. 24th
End Date Jun. 25th
Planet Troost
Major Order No


Automatons are attempting to reclaim their territories previously occupied by their vanguard. They have already captured 2 planets in

Strategy and importance

Troost was not a priority planet during that battle. At the same time, Ingmar was under attack, which was much more important than Troost.

