Erata Prime/Battles

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Estabilishment of TCS on Erata Prime

Estabilishment of TCS on Erata Prime
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Mar. 12th
End Date Mar. 16th
Planet Erata Prime
Operation Operation Valiant Enclosure
Group Estabilishment of TCS
Casualties 12.5 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Activate Terminid Control System
Summary TCS on Erata Prime Estabilished. It was the last planet to be liberated from Terminids.


Fenrir III, Veld and Meridia have been liberated. Erata Prime was the last planet that had to be liberated in order to estabilish Terminid Control System.

Strategy and Importance

This battle was important, as Erata Prime was the last Barrier Planet that had to be liberated.


Liberation of Erata Prime was smooth, as Helldivers from Fenrir III and other planets already completed their job.

Deactivation of TCS on Erata Prime

Deactivation of TCS on Erata Prime
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Apr. 29th
End Date May. 5th
Planet Erata Prime
Group Deactivation of TCS
Casualties 2.5 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Terminid Control System on Erata Prime deactivated. It was the last planet to be liberated from Terminid Infestation.
Summary TCS on Erata Prime deactivated.


Phase I of Operation Legitimate Undertaking has failed, but the Terminid front was stable. Suddenly, TCS has failed.

Strategy and Importance

The battle was really important as it determind if Erata Prime potentially turned into a Super Colony, like Meridia.


The battle ended on 5th of May, it was the last planet to be liberated from corrupted TCS in the Umlaut Sector.

Third Battle of Erata Prime - Cleaning the mess

Third Battle of Erata Prime
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Jun. 3rd
End Date Jun. 5th
Planet Erata Prime
Casualties Around 10 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Clear Post-Supercolony Infestations
Summary Erata Prime liberated.


Erata Prime was corrupted by Terminid Infestation on 24th of May, Helldivers didn't manage to recapture the planet after this incident. Now it was a perfect moment to recapture this planet, as Helldivers received a new Major Order.

Strategy and Importance

Erata Prime is a planet located in the north Umlaut Sector, it connects to Heeth and Hellmire. Liberating the planet would secure Heeth and push Terminids out of the Sector.


The Battle ended on 5th of June. Erata Prime was successfully liberated, and the Umlaut Sector was free again.