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First Battle of Esker - The First Battle of Falstaff Sector

First Battle of Esker
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Jun. 18th
End Date Jun. 19th
Planet Esker
Casualties Around 660k Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order No
Summary Esker captured by Terminids, Falstaff sector was invaded by Terminids for the first time during the Second Galactic War.


The Helldivers pushed deeper into Terminid territory as the Major Order ordered them to liberate all of Draco Sector and half of Mirin Sector.

The Terminids apparently tried to escape their inevitable fate by developing a survival adaptation. This adaptation caused the Terminids to emit much more spores than before.

Strategy and importance

Esker, simmiliarly to Acamar IV (that is the only planet that connects to Jin Xi Sector) is the only planet that allows access to Falstaff Sector. But, it wasn't as important now as Helldivers were more focused on completing the Major Order.


The battle went on for 24 hours, with the Terminids completely outnumbering the SEAF forces. The Helldivers never stood a chance against hordes of Terminids desperately trying to escape from their destroyed by The Helldivers worlds.

Second Battle of Esker - The Road to Erson

Second Battle of Esker
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Jun. 30th
End Date
Planet Esker
Major Order Related; Liberate Falstaff and Jin Xi Sectors


The Helldivers fought 2 defensive campaigns on Bore Rock. All the planets in Jin Xi Sector that Helldivers were tasked with liberating, were already recaptured. It was the time to strike back in the Falstaff Sector.

Strategy and importance

Esker was the only planet that connected to Falstaff Sector and Erson Sands, capturing it would allow Helldivers to attack Erson Sands.


The battle began on June 30th, when the most Helldivers in the history of the planet gathered on Esker.

The Battle is still ongoing!