Helldivers 1:Status Effects

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There are various damage types and status effects which have special effects on Helldivers and their enemies.


Any target that is damaged will be ignited, dealing damage over time. Illuminates cannot teleport as long as they are on fire. Helldivers can go prone or utilize the LIFT-850 Jump Pack to put out the flames. Shielded units and vehicles are immune to being set on fire.


Poisoned targets will be slowed and take damage over time. The M-25 Rumbler, TOX-13 Avenger and Missile Barrage inflict much more serious poison damage and any Helldiver that is not helped off the ground three times in a row will die within seconds. Shielded units and vehicles are immune to being poisoned.


The Static Field Conductors Stratagem or AR-14D Paragon Weapon, well as the orbs fired by Illuminate Apprentices, cause slowdown. Shielded units and vehicles are immune to being slowed.


Enemies hit by stunning attacks will be unable to move for a short time. Shielded units and vehicles are immune to stunning.


Any damaging hit on an enemy will cause them to be stuck in place for a very short time. Only the SMG-45 Defender, MP-98 Knight SMG and the AD-334 Guard Dog drone can be upgraded to do mini-stun damage. Shielded units and vehicles are immune to mini-stun.


Illuminate Illusionists, Council Members and Great Eyes can fire orbs that will cause the player's controls to be reversed. Movement, aiming and even the stratagem input on the d-pad will be inverted for a short time. Shielded units and vehicles are immune to this effect.


Armor-Piercing (or AP) attacks deal more damage to light and medium armor. It is useless versus heavy tank armor, though.


Dealing increased damage against light and medium armor, generally in a sizable area of effect. Mostly used for anti-personnel purposes.


Capable of eliminating heavily armored targets and (usually) also able to destroy certain mission objectives.