Helldivers 1:TOX-13 Avenger

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Fully upgraded TOX-13 Avenger
TOX-13 Avenger silhouette.png

A design very similar to the standard issue flamethrower, this high-pressure weapon dispenses a toxic sludge. The toxin causes heavy trauma to the nervous system and slows down afflicted individuals as well as causing brain damage. It was developed by Dr. Junko under the 2079 act of self-defence research and has been tested extensively on live targets. The TOX-13 is part of the Hazard Ops equipment kit.

— Armory Description

Stratagem Code

Players must enter the following sequence, using the controller d‑pad, in order to call down this single-use Stratagem during a mission:
Arrow 1 D.pngArrow 2 L.pngArrow 1 D.pngArrow 3 R.pngArrow 3 R.png

Unlock Requirement

The TOX-13 Avenger is a DLC Stratagem, available at any rank to those who purchase the Hazard Ops Pack.


Upgrade Cost Effect
HD1 Stratagem TOX-13 Avenger mk1.png Mk1 Basic variant, no upgrades.
HD1 Stratagem TOX-13 Avenger mk2.png Mk2 Research-point.png 1 A higher-pressure tank allows for greater range.
HD1 Stratagem TOX-13 Avenger mk3.png Mk3 Research-point.png 3 An extended fuel tank increases the amount of toxins before a reload is needed. Toxin capacity per magazine increased from 110 to 150.

Weapon Stats

  • The weapon comes with 3 tanks of Avenger toxin, and can carry a maximum of 6. Each tank holds 110 units of toxin (150 when upgraded to Mk3). A 'low ammunition' warning sound will play when the weapon is fired with less than 20 units of toxin remaining in the tank.
  • As this weapon does not use projectiles, it cannot retain a round in the chamber. Reload time is always 3 seconds, whether the tank is emptied or not.
    • Unlike some bulkier support weapons, the Avenger can be reloaded on the move.
TOX-13 'Avenger' Detailed Analysis
Weapon Info Additional Notes
Unlock Rank Rank 1 Unlocked via DLC
Weapon Type Secondary
Weapon Category Chemical Spray
Fire Mode Continuous
Base Upgraded Additional Notes
Damage per Second (DPS) 50/s 50/s DPS is higher in practice as this weapon damages directly and simultaneously applies damage over time (DoT)
Center Mass DPS 50/s 50/s No center mass bonus
Status Effects Heavy Poison;
Slow Poison
Does not stack, additional hits reset DoT timer; only Heavy Poison deals damage over time
Heavy Poison Damage/sec 100/s 100/s
Heavy Poison Duration 5 s 5 s
Poison Slowdown -75% -75%
Slow Poison Duration 6 s 6 s
AP Ammo Armor Reduction 0 0
Base Upgraded Additional Notes
Cyclic Rate of Fire (RPM) 600 600
Capacity 110 150* * Requires Mk3 upgrade
Starting Mags 3 3
Max Mags 6 6
Reload Speed 3 s 3 s Can reload while moving; no tactical reload
Spread N/A N/A Fixed firing pattern
Max Range 9 m 12 m* * Requires Mk2 upgrade

Gameplay Tips

  • The TOX-13 Avenger is a side-grade to the traditional FLAM-40 Incinerator and a straight upgrade in some aspects, trading utility for more offensive power. It is capable of dealing crippling toxic damage and slowing organic enemies considerably and is a welcome addition to any team composition, however Helldivers must be especially careful when using this weapon as friendly fire is almost always lethal. It is recommended that Helldivers distance themselves from teammates or fire away from them to minimize friendly fire incidents.
  • The Avenger's primary use is slowing and softening up approaching enemies, letting teammates, Stratagems, or the lingering toxic damage finish them off to save ammo. While not recommended, the Avenger can also be used as a last ditch tool to slow or kill enemies that have downed a fellow diver or gotten too close to an objective, however the risk of friendly fire is very high.
  • This weapon is capable of damaging and slowing heavily armored enemies such as the Bug Behemoth that would normally require anti-tank weapons or Stratagems to defeat. Inorganic enemies such as the Cyborg IFV and Warlord are completely immune to the Avenger's effects. Bugs are especially susceptible to this weapon's effects as the vast majority of their units attack exclusively with melee attacks and are rendered completely harmless at range, and a single upgraded Avenger comes with enough ammo to make using it as both a crowd control and anti-tank weapon highly effective.
  • The Avenger's damage over time can kill a Helldiver three times over, similar to the Mk3 M-25 Rumbler and Mk3 Missile Barrage's toxic effects. Helldivers and Survivors affected by the toxin can still be saved by quickly moving over to them and reviving them three times in quick succession as the poison wears itself out.



  • The TOX-13 Avenger has earned the affectionate nickname of "Bugspray" in the HELLDIVERS community due to how effective it is against the Bug faction and how it is almost entirely relegated to fighting them in high level play.
  • The TOX-13 Avenger was re-balanced in Patch 3.02. The weapon now does less direct damage and more damage over time.
Sidearms Assault rifles LMGs Shotguns SMGs Precision Explosive Laser tech Arc tech
P-2 Peacemaker AR-19 Liberator MG-105 Stalwart SG-225 Breaker SMG-45 Defender LHO-63 Camper CR-9 Suppressor LAS-5 Scythe AC-3 Arc Thrower
P-6 Gunslinger AR-22C Patriot SG-8 Punisher MP-98 Knight SMG RX-1 Rail Gun PLAS-1 Scorcher LAS-16 Sickle AC-5 Arc Shotgun
FLAM-24 Pyro AR-20L Justice DBS-2 Double Freedom SMG-34 Ninja M2016 Constitution LAS-12 Tanto
PLAS-3 Singe AR-14D Paragon LAS-13 Trident
Heavy Weapons

MG-94 Machine Gun MGX-42 Machine Gun AC-22 Dum-Dum LAS-98 Laser Cannon FLAM-40 Incinerator TOX-13 Avenger

Obliterator Grenade Launcher MLS-4X Commando RL-112 Recoilless Rifle EAT-17 REC-6 Demolisher M-25 Rumbler

Supply Stratagems

Resupply REP-80 AD-289 Angel AD-334 Guard Dog LIFT-850 Jump Pack Resupply Pack SH-20 Shield Generator Pack SH-32 Directional Kinetic Shield

MG-94 Machine Gun MGX-42 Machine Gun AC-22 Dum-Dum LAS-98 Laser Cannon FLAM-40 Incinerator TOX-13 Avenger Obliterator Grenade Launcher MLS-4X Commando RL-112 Recoilless Rifle EAT-17 REC-6 Demolisher M-25 Rumbler

EXO-44 Walker Exosuit EXO-48 Obsidian Exosuit EXO-51 Lumberer Exosuit M5 APC M5-32 HAV TD-110 Bastion MC-109 Hammer Motorcycle

Defensive Stratagems

A/AC-6 Tesla Tower A/GL-8 Launcher Turret A/MG-11 Minigun Turret A/RX-34 Railcannon Turret Airdropped Anti-Personnel Mines Airdropped Stun Mines Anti-Personnel Barrier AT-47 Anti-Tank Emplacement Distractor Beacon Humblebee UAV drone Thunderer Smoke Round

Offensive Stratagems

Airstrike Close Air Support Heavy Strafing Run Incendiary Bombs Missile Barrage Orbital Laser Strike Railcannon Strike Shredder Missile Strike Sledge Precision Artillery Static Field Conductors Strafing Run Thunderer Barrage Vindicator Dive Bomb

Special Stratagems

Emergency Beacon ME-1 Sniffer Metal Detector NUX-223 Hellbomb Reinforce