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Estabilishment of TCS on Meridia

Estabilishment of TCS on Meridia
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Mar. 12th
End Date Mar. 15th
Planet Turing
Operation Operation Valiant Enclosure
Group Estabilishment of TCS
Casualties Around 13 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Yes
Summary TCS on Meridia estabilished.


Helldivers received a new Major Order, it tasked Helldivers with activating TCS (Terminid Control System). After they secured Fenrir III and Turing, Helldivers decided to target Meridia as the next planet that will have a working TCS.

Strategy and Importance

This battle was important, as Meridia was one of the planets that were a target of a Major Order.


When Fenrir III and Turing were liberated, around 250k Helldivers were estabilishing TCS on this planet at the same time! The battle lasted 3 days. Around 13 million Helldivers died during this battle. Unfortunetly, the estabilishment of TCS on Meridia, led to complete infestation of this planet on April 29th.

The Last Battle of Meridia.

Second Battle of Meridia
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 30th
End Date Jun. 2nd
Planet Turing
Operation Operation Enduring Peace
Group Estabilishment of TCS
Casualties Around 28 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Operation Enduring Peace Phase II
Summary Meridia became a black hole.


The time has come to eradicate the Terminid Supercolony completely. The Helldivers will deploy to the surface of Meridia to deploy partial payloads of Dark Fluid across the planet. Once a critical mass is reached, the Dark Fluid will accrete into a superdense mass, triggering total planetary implosion. The Supercolony, and its hyper-reproductive Terminids, will be destroyed.

Strategy and Importance

Meridia was a Super Colony, that produced massive amounts of spores. If not destroyed quickly, Meridia sooner or later would turn all nearby Sectors into infested, ugly, undemocratic and brutal worlds.


The Battle started on 30th of May and ended on 2nd of June. Merdian Supercolony turned into a blackhole, because of Gravitational Anomaly, caused by Dark Fluid. Right before the end of this battle, hordes of Terminids escaped to Fenrir III and Acamar IV. Around 38 million Helldivers gave their last breaths during this battle.

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