Damaged Hellbomb

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(Redirected from Unexploded Hellbomb)
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Disambig.svg This article is about the Minor Place of Interest or Structure. For the Mission Stratagem, see NUX-223 Hellbomb.

The Damaged Hellbomb is a tiny structure, which can be found during missions.

Detailed Statistics

Area of Effect
Inner Radius 17 m
Outer Radius 25 m
Shockwave Radius 45 m
Inner Radius 4000
Outer Radius 3999 - 0
Inner Radius Armor AP10 Icon.png Heavy VI
Outer Radius Armor AP9 Icon.png Heavy V
Shockwave Armor AP10 Icon.png Heavy VI
AoE Effect
Demolition Force 60
Stagger Force 50
Push Force 100

Tactical Information

The Damaged Hellbomb may be triggered by dealing any damage to it. After a short time, it will explode with a massive 25m radius. There is no observeable damage falloff to Helldivers.

Minor Place of Interest

The Damaged Hellbomb may be found as a Minor Place of Interest. Sometimes it can have an inscription called "Words Scribbled on Bomb". Support Weapons found at the Damaged Hellbomb are: FLAM-40 Flamethrower, LAS-98 Laser Cannon


Damaged Hellbomb Variations
Variation Image Contents Notes
Charger PoI Hellbomb Charger.png Can only be found on Terminid controlled planets
Helldiver Hellbomb POI Helldiver.png

Unmarked Damaged Hellbomb

The Damaged Hellbomb may be randomly found during missions without the usual characteristics of a Minor Place of Interest, lacking an inscription, loot and other distinguishing features. This type of Damaged Hellbomb may be found during Challenging Difficulty Icon.pngChallenging+ missions, or in the Nuclear Wasteland Biome on all difficulties.

Change History




  • Unexploded Hellbombs will now explode immediately if hit with strong explosions or heavy weaponry.