Varylia 5/Battles

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First Battle of Varylia 5 - Third Battle for Trigon Sector

First Battle of Varylia 5
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Start Date April 24th
End Date April 25th
Planet Varylia 5
Casualties Around 3 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Related/Defense on Two Fronts
Summary Third Battle for Trigon Sector won. Automaton advance deeper into Trigon Sector halted.


Automatons and Terminids had launched cowardly attacks on many planets. Helldivers immediately engaged in many battles, marking the end of Terminid Attack during one of the Battles of Fori Prime, when Terminid forces were crushed within minutes of the attack. Unfortunetly, it wasn't the same for the Automaton front. Automatons have captured many planets, including Choepessa IV, after Automatons captured Choepessa IV (First Battle of Choepessa and Second Battle for Trigon Sector) they launched an assault on Varylia 5.

Strategy and Importance

Varylia 5 is a key planet, as if captured by Automatons, it would allow them to encircle Ymir Sector, probably marking the fall of it.


The Battle was won by The Helldivers, they had immediately deployed to Varylia 5 and defended it in a matter of a couple of hours. 3 million Helldivers have died during this defense campaign, marking the Third Battle for Trigon Sector a success.

Second Battle of Varylia 5

Second Battle of Varylia 5
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Start Date May. 20th
End Date May. 21st
Planet Varylia 5
Casualties Less than 250k Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order No
Summary Varylia 5 lost.


Most Helldivers focused on the Terminid front, while Helldivers on Automaton front were severely outnumbered. Many defense campaigns have recently failed, for example the defense of Wasat and Lesath. Now Automatons have launched an assault on Trigon Sector.

Strategy and Importance

Varylia 5 is a key planet, as if captured by Automatons, it would allow them to encircle Ymir Sector, probably marking the fall of it.


Everyone knew this battle would be a fatal loss from the beginning of it. Helldivers were severely outnumbered, and most of the time less than 1 thousand of them were deployed.

Memorial Gallery

"Siege Of Varylia" image. Made by u/Crew1T

Third Battle of Varylia 5 - The Battle for the Petafactory

Third Battle of Varylia 5
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Start Date May. 23rd
End Date May. 26th
Planet Varylia 5
Casualties Around 16 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Liberate Automaton Petafactory on Varylia 5
Summary Success. Varylia 5 liberated, and Exo-49 Emancipator unlocked.


Automatons have recently captured Varylia 5 during the previous battle. They have started to manufacture abominations simmiliar to those that are manufactured by Morgunson Arsenal on Tien Kwan.

Strategy and Importance

If liberated, Helldivers would unlock new EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit.


The battle was won by The Helldivers. Petafactory has been captured in just three days! Unfortunetly, many Helldivers had to die for this success, as almost 16 million of them lost their lifes.

The EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit had been unlocked.