Helldivers 1:Infantry Fighting Vehicle/Tactics

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Advanced Tactics

IFVs are amongst the toughest enemies in the game in terms of overall durability, with significant frontal armour. Damaging attacks can also immobilize an IFV by damaging its tracks, which can allow Helldivers to retreat more easily, though it is important to note that the turret remains functional in this state. Although the IFV can still shoot at any Helldivers or other valid targets within range, it is possible to stand next to an immobilized IFV and use it as cover due to the IFVs targeting mechanism locking onto the nearest target. This targeting behaviour effectively permits a lone Helldiver to single-handedly pacify a disabled IFV by simply standing next to it while the rest of the team can focus on other targets, retrieve gear and regroup. The IFV does however prioritze incapacitated Helldivers and will fire indiscriminately at them for as long as they are in downed state.

As noted above, IFVs can also release groups of around five Grotesques onto the battlefield, giving them a wide range of offensive capabilities. However, the hatch that Grotesques climb out off does create a noticeable weak spot in the IFV's otherwise highly formidable armour, allowing Helldivers to engage and neutralize IFVs with anti-tank weapons or stratagems that may otherwise lack the power to punch through its front- or side-armour. Players do not need to wait for the hatch to open to be able to exploit that particular weak spot in the IFV's armour.

In most missions there is never more than one IFV on the screen at the same time and upon destroying an IFV the game will usually spawn a new IFV near the edges of the screen or off-screen (this only applies to regular missions and not to Retaliatory Strike missions). This means that there are few occasions, especially when defending objectives, where it is actually beneficial to not destroy or even engage:

  • IFVs that may patrol near the edges of the screen, facing away from the team and objectives
  • IFVs that get stuck on or behind rocks and other terrain
  • disabled IFVs that are either out of firing range or are unable to fire due to being used as cover by one or more Helldivers

Remember: every IFV you destroy leads to a new IFV coming for you! So if you can keep control of the IFV you have on screen (or near the edges of the screen) for as long as possible, then that is how long you can also conserve your ammo and ensure that you don't get surprised by a new IFV spawning somewhere you didn't expect.

Disabled IFVs despawn when left behind after ca. 1,5 - 2 screens distance.

Heavy Weapons, Stratagems and Vehicles Guide

As mentioned above, Helldivers have a variety of tools at their disposal to deal with the IFV. The following list details the power and effectiveness of all viable weapons and stratagems with anti-tank capabilities (note: it is assumed that all of these are fully upgraded to Mk3):

Heavy Weapons

  • RL-112 Recoilless Rifle - fastest and most reliable way to destroy an IFV. When upgraded, the armor piercing capabilities allow it to instantly kill the IFV unless shooting from a very shallow angle, which can often be necessary.
  • EAT-17 - similar to the RL-112 (but overall less powerful), shots directly from the front at right angles, from the sides at right angles, or most shots to the back will destroy the IFV while shots from shallow angles will only immobilize the IFV. Also, with good timing and some precision the pod containing the EAT-17 can be used to crush the IFV (or any other enemy) underneath it, instantly destroying it.
  • M-25 Rumbler* - heavy weapon that is slow and clumsy to use but capable of destroying IFVs when aimed and fired at their weak spot. Only one of the 3 launched shells from this portable mortar are required to hit in order for the IFV to be destroyed. Hits to the front or the sides of the IFV will sometimes immobilize it but only explosions at the back of the IFV or sustained fire will actually destroy it. For best results, aim directly at the ground slightly behind the IFV.
  • MLS-4X Commando* - a missile launcher with support pack for reloading (similar to the RL-112), this heavy weapon is the preferred anti-tank weapon of many veteran Helldivers. Capable of destroying IFVs in only 1-2 hits, the Commando can be the fastest weapon to deal with IFVs in the field. It is, however, also the most difficult heavy weapon to learn due to requiring high precision during aiming and standing at the correct distance and angle when firing. The Commando will only do damage if aimed and fired at the IFV's weak spot.
  • REC-6 Demolisher* - an explosive satchel charge that can be thrown and detonated manually. Explosions to the front of the IFV will usually immobilize it while hitting the weak spot will destroy it. Due a sort of lag during online-play, however, the REC-6 will sometimes completely destroy the IFV regardless of where it hits. Also, with good timing and some precision the pod containing the REC-6 can be used to crush the IVF underneath it, instantly destroying it.

Offensive and Defensive Stratagems

  • Railcannon Strike - orbital attack using an automated targeting system that will always prioritize the IFV before all other enemy units within its effective range, with the resulting strike from orbit instantly destroying the IFV. Of all Helldivers offensive stratagems, the Railcannon Strike is the only one incapable of disabling the IFV; being targeted by a Railcannon Strike spells certain doom for IFVs.
  • Heavy Airstrike - a fast, airborne attack delivered perpendicular to the stratagem beacon's throwing angle, this stratagem is capable of destroying IFVs when aimed at the weak spot. Hits to the front or to the sides of the IFV will usually immobilize it.
  • Vindicator Bunker Buster Bomb (Mk3 upgrade) - a very fast attack that will only destroy the IFV when perfectly hitting its weak spot dead-center at the back/turret-area. Hits to the front-center will disable its tracks, immobilizing the IFV, while hits anywhere else will do no damage at all.
  • Airdropped Anti-Tank Mines - IFVs driving over an anti-tank mine will usually end up disabled due to the explosion of the mine hitting the front or the sides of the IFV, where the armour is thickest, with explosions from adjacent mines (even when triggered by other enemies) destroying the IFV completely.
  • Thunderer Barrage - the explosive shells from the Thunderer Barrage are powerful enough to completely obliterate any and all IFVs in its range, only rarely leaving immobilized IFVs behind. This area-of-denial tool should be used similarly to Anti-Tank Mines: cutting off incoming IFVs from important defensive positions.
  • Shredder Missile Strike - the nuclear blast from the Shredder Missile Strike will usually destroy any and all IFVs within its effective range, only leaving them immobilized if they are near the edges of the blast radius or if they are located behind cover (such as some terrain). Due to the extremely long call-in time and cooldown of the Shredder Missile Strike it should only be used to supplement other heavy weapons and stratagems with anti-tank capabilities and not be relied upon as the sole defense against IFVs.
  • Missile Barrage* - a fast, airborne attack covering a large area in powerful (and, when fully upgraded, toxic) heavy missiles that will usually destroy any and all IFVs in their path.
  • Close Air Support* - an extremely fast, airborne attack delivered perpendicular to the stratagem beacon's throwing angle, similar to the Heavy Airstrike. While the main cannon attack from the Close Air Support is completely ineffective against IFVs, the accompanying missiles are actually capable of immobilizing or destroying IFVs when hitting the weak spot. However, due to the difficulty of correctly aiming this attack at the IFV and the scattered firing pattern of the missiles, it is recommended to NOT rely on the Close Air Support when dealing with IFVs.
  • Sledge Precision Artillery* - a targeting algorithm similar to the Railcannon Strike (but with much larger range) will deliver three mortar shells with anti-tank capabilites upon a single IFV in its range. The shells are, however, incapable of penetrating the IFV's thick armour and will only do damage to the weak spot. Due to the random nature of the firing pattern of the Sledge it is recommended to NOT rely on this stratagem when dealing with IFVs.
  • AT-47 Anti-Tank Emplacement* - a rotating manual turret with 90mm cannon. Once manned by a single Helldiver this turret is capable of destroying IFVs in a single hit, regardless of hit location or firing angle.


  • M5-32 HAV - bigger brother to the M5 APC, with similar chassis but heavier armor and 90mm Cannon instead of an auto-cannon. The HAV's main cannon will destroy IFV's in a single hit, regardless of hit location or firing angle.
  • EXO-44 Stomper Exosuit (Mk3 upgrade) - equipped with 8 missiles with anti-tank capabilities the EXO-44 Walker can be used to defend against IFVs in limited fashion. Direct hits to the front or back of the IFV will usually destroy it outright, while hits to the sides may only immobilize it. Due to the fact that ammo can not be reloaded on vehicles the Walker will become useless against IFVs once all 8 missiles have been used. Like all other small arms fire, the Walker's minigun is completely ineffective against IFVs.
  • EXO-51 Lumberer Exosuit* - Exosuit variant sporting a 90mm Cannon and a Flame Thrower. While the flame thrower is naturally useless against IFVs, the Lumberer's main cannon will destroy it in a single hit, regardless of hit location or firing angle.
  • TD-110 Bastion* - a heavily armored tank that can be manned by two Helldivers (a driver and a gunner) and is armed with a 90mm Cannon capable of destroying IFVs in a single hit, regardless of hit location or firing angle. The additional machine gun is, naturally, completely ineffective against IFVs.

* Item is part of a paid DLC pack.