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Establishment of TCS on Turing

Establishment of TCS on Turing
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Mar. 12th
End Date Mar. 14th
Planet Turing
Operation Operation Valiant Enclosure
Group Establishment of TCS
Casualties Around 12 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Operation Valiant Enclosure: Phase III
Summary TCS on Turing established.


Helldivers received a new Major Order, it tasked Helldivers with activating TCS (Terminid Control System). After they secured Fenrir III, Helldivers decided to target Turing as the next planet that will have a working TCS.

Strategy and Importance

This battle was important, as Turing was one of the planets that were a target of a Major Order.


When Fenrir III was liberated, around 200k Helldivers were establishing TCS on this planet at the same time! The important part of the battle (that occurred after Fenrir III was liberated) lasted only around 24 hours, then the planet was liberated.

Deactivation of TCS on Turing

Deactivation of TCS on Turing
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Apr. 29th
End Date May. 3rd
Planet Turing
Group Deactivation of TCS
Casualties Around 12 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Deactivate the Terminid Control System
Summary TCS on Turing deactivated.


Phase I of Operation Legitimate Undertaking has failed, but the Terminid front was stable. Suddenly, TCS has failed. Terminids started to rapidly reproduce, infesting Meridia. Turing could still be rescued.

Strategy and Importance

The battle was really important as it determind if Turing potentially turned into a Super Colony, like Meridia.


The battle ended on 3rd of May, around 50k Helldivers were deactivating TCS at the same time. Around 12 million Helldivers died during this battle.

Turing was saved, avoiding the fate of Meridia.

Third Battle of Turing - Enduring Peace

Third Battle of Turing
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 27th (Major Part of the battle, the minor part started a couple of days before)
End Date May. 28th
Planet Turing
Operation Operation "Enduring Peace"
Casualties Around 20 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Operation "Enduring Peace" - Phase 1
Summary Turing liberated.


Scientists on Moradesh were working on a new weapon, called Dark Fluid. In order to utilize this weapon, The Helldivers had to make sure the first phase of Operation Enduring Peace would succeed. In order to do that, Fenrir III, Angel's Venture and Turing had to be secured.

Strategy and Importance

Turing was always a strategically important planet. Located in the south part of Umlaut Sector, it granted access to Angel's Venture and Acamar IV. Also, it was now a part of Major Order.


The battle ended on 28th of May, with the Turing being liberated. The Dark Fluid was ready to be used against Terminids.

Fourth Battle of Turing - Cleaning the mess

Fourth Battle of Turing
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Jun. 3rd
End Date Jun. 4th
Planet Turing
Major Order Clear Post-Supercolony Infestations
Summary Turing liberated.


Turing was attacked by Terminids attempting to escape the Meridia Super Colony recently. Fortunetly, the planet they were escaping from got destroyed. Helldivers could now focus on cleaning the mess that Super Colony left in the Umlaut and Jin Xi sectors.

Strategy and Importance

Turing is a gateway to Jin Xi sector, it's the only planet that connects there. Liberating this planet would cut off Acamar IV. Turing was now also a part of Major Order.


The battle ended on 4th of June. Planet was successfully liberated and now Helldivers split, and focused on Erata Prime and Acamar IV.