Angel's Venture/Battles

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This page contains a documentation of battles on Angel's Venture.

First Battle of Angel's Venture - Preparations for setting up TCS

First Battle of Angel's Venture
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Feb. 8th
End Date Feb. 14th
Planet Angel's Venture
Operation Operation Valiant Enclosure
Casualties Around 5 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Operation Valiant Enclosure Phase I
Summary Angel's Venture liberated


Terminids have infested Orion Sector recently. Super Earth's scientists have created a substance called Termicide, Termicide towers were ready to be activated on Barrier Planets. To do this, Helldivers had to liberate Orion Sector first.

Strategy and Importance

The battle was important for the progression of Operation Valiant Enclosure, also, winning this battle would mean that Terminids would be pushed back to Barrier Planets.


The battle started on 8th of February, when the Major Order started. Helldivers have first liberated Heeth on 10th of February, which allowed Angel's Venture to receive more reinforcements. Ultimately, the battle was won by the Helldivers on 14th of February, but the victory wasn't free, around 5 million Helldivers died during the first battle of Angel's Venture.

Second Battle of Angel's Venture - Fighting for every inch of land

Second Battle of Angel's Venture
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date Mar. 5th
End Date Mar. 5th
Planet Angel's Venture
Operation Operation Valiant Enclosure
Casualties Around 2 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Operation Valiant Enclosure Phase II
Summary Angel's Venture defended successfully. Major Order succeeded.


Angel's Venture was liberated recently. The new Major Order ordered Helldivers to hold their ground on Heeth and Angel's Venture.

Strategy and Importance

This was a key battle for Operation Valiant Enclosure and safety of the Orion Sector. If this battle was lost, Major Order would probably fail and the entire Orion Sector would be in danger.


The defense campaign started on 5th of March. Helldivers immediately rallied to defend the planet. Battle was won in around 2 hours! Major Order succeeded and Operation Valiant Enclosure advanced into Phase III.

Third Battle of Angel's Venture - Containing Meridian Spores

Third Battle of Angel's Venture
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 6th
End Date May. 8th
Planet Angel's Venture
Casualties Around 1.5 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Contain Supercolony Outbreaks
Summary Angel's Venture liberated once more.


Recently, TCS on Erata Prime, Fenrir III and Turing was deactivated by Helldivers. Unfortunetly, it was too late to rescue Meridia, because it turned into a Super Colony, that was producing much more spores than other infested planets. Meridian Spores started to infest planets in Orion and Jin XI sectors.

Strategy and Importance

Orion Sector was once again in danger. It is a strategically key sector, as it directly accesses Celeste Sector, that is just next to Sol System. Defense of Angel's Venture was a secondary priority, as Helldivers first focused on liberating Heeth from Meridian Spores.


The Battle ended on 8th of May. Helldivers successfully liberated the planet. Around 1 million Helldivers died during this battle.

Memorial Gallery

Injured Bile Titan on Angel's Venture being attacked by Eagle's Cluster Bombs

Fourth Battle of Angel's Venture

Fourth Battle of Angel's Venture
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 11th
End Date May. 12th
Planet Angel's Venture
Casualties Around 1.5 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order No
Summary Angel's Venture defense successful.


The recent Major Order has failed, as Helldivers didn't manage to liberate Acamar IV in time. Terminids decided to launch a counter strike on Orion Sector.

Strategy and Importance

Orion Sector was in danger once more. Helldivers had to deploy to Angel's Venture immediately in order to defend it.


The battle ended on 12th of May, Helldivers managed to defend the planet once again, preventing the infestation of Orion Sector.

Fifth Battle of Angel's Venture - Setting up Training facilities

Fifth Battle of Angel's Venture
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 15th
End Date May. 16th
Planet Angel's Venture
Casualties 1 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order Hold Planets for SEAF Conscription
Summary Angel's Venture liberated. SEAF training facilities ready to set up.


The war has been declared. TCS has failed and Automatons have captured many innocent planets. Terminids rapidly launched an offensive on Angel's Venture.

Strategy and Importance

Angel's Venture had to be recaptured quickly in order to stop Terminids from interrupting recruitment of citizens. As we know from previous battles, Angel's Venture is a key planet for safety of the whole Orion Sector.


The battle has ended on 16th of May. Helldivers successfully liberated the planet, and SEAF started setting up training facilities on Angel's Venture.

Memorial Gallery

A horde of Terminids observed by a Helldiver.

Sixth Battle of Angel's Venture

Sixth Battle of Angel's Venture
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 19th
End Date May. 20th
Planet Angel's Venture
Casualties Around 4 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order No
Summary Angel's Venture defense successful once again.


Many Terminid attacks were recently repelled, but Terminid forces still managed to reproduce fast enough to attack many planets.

Strategy and Importance

Angel's Venture had to be recaptured quickly in order to stop Terminids from destroying SEAF Facilities. As we know from previous battles, Angel's Venture is a key planet for safety of the whole Orion Sector.


The battle ended on 20th of May. Helldivers have successfully defended the planet.

Seventh Battle of Angel's Venture

Seventh Battle of Angel's Venture
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date May. 24th
End Date May. 25th
Planet Angel's Venture
Casualties Around 3 million Helldivers K.I.A.
Major Order No
Summary Angel's Venture defense successful again.


Helldivers had focused on liberating Varylia 5, a planet that had to be liberated in order for a Major Order to success. Terminids decided to take advantage of this situation and attack the SEAF facilities on this planet.

Strategy and Importance

Angel's Venture was a key planet during this battle. This battle could determine the failure or success of the Major Order, as (at the time of writing this page) SEAF Training Facilities are supporting Helldivers in their actions.


The beginning of the battle was hard, Helldivers were severely outnumbered. Fortunetly, a "Strategic Guidance" straight from the high command, recommended the defense of Angel's Venture, this motivated more Helldivers to defend the planet, which caused the defense to be successful.

The battle ended on 25th of May.