User:Rainbeon/Major Orders Width Test

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Major orders serve as the main objectives in Helldivers 2. The whole Helldivers community has to participate in completing major orders to make progress in the Second Galactic War.

Due to the dynamic nature of the game, major orders can have various consequences for the Galactic War, depending on whether they are completed or failed within the given timeframe.

Completing major orders rewards the player with requisition slips or medals.

Major Orders Timeline

February 2024

February 2024
Operation Valiant Enclosure: Phase I
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Reward Requisition Slip.svg 10000 Requisition
Briefing Freedom is under attack. The Terminid outbreak threatens to spread out of control, and probability of child eviscerations is at an all-time high. In response, our scientists have developed the Terminid Control System: a planet-wide bug extermination network. The TCS will be constructed on an unbroken line of Barrier Planets, quarantining the bugs behind them. The worlds leading to the Barrier Planets are crawling with Terminids. This Infestation must be cleansed.
Overview The bugs are out of control. They must be pushed back to the Barrier Planets, where the Terminid Control System will be built. Liberate all planets between Super Earth and the Barrier Planets: Heeth and Angel's Venture.
Outcome SUCCESS.
Automaton Attack
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Reward Requisition Slip.svg 12500 Requisition
Briefing The Automatons have launched cowardly surprise attacks on multiple highly-populated Super Earth planets. The Super Earth Armed Forces in the region have been overrun. Million of citizens are in grave danger of death, or disenfranchisement. This grievous attack on Freedom will not go unanswered. The homes of our citizens must be defended.
Overview The Automatons have launched a cowardly surprise attack against our innocent civilian populations. Their homes must be defended. Win at least 8 Defend Campaigns against the Automatons.
Outcome FAILURE.
Defense of Draupnir and Mantes
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Reward Requisition Slip.svg 12500 Requisition
Briefing Intercepted messages indicate bot plans for a significant push. Increased resistance on Automaton planets is anticipated.
Overview Defend Draupnir and Mantes
Outcome FAILURE. Despite the valorous efforts of the Helldivers, Automaton marauders have invaded Super Earth territory. Patriotic citizens mourn as their sufficiently-sized homes burn to the ground. Super Earth citizens demand justice, and they will receive it. But for now, the Terminid Control System is ready for activation.
Operation Valiant Enclosure: Phase II
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Reward Medal.svg 45 Medals
Briefing Terminid spores have engulfed Heeth and Angel's Venture, spawning hordes of Terminids that overwhelmed our colonial militias. Clearly, the bug hive instinct oriented their mindless expansion towards dishonoring the memory of those who fought to free these planets. Countless Helldivers paid for these lands with their lives. We cannot lose them now.
Overview The Terminids are swarming Super Earth planets. Designated planets must be under Super Earth Control when order expires: Heeth, Angel's Venture
Outcome SUCCESS.

March 2024

March 2024
Liberation of Veld
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Reward Medal.svg 45 Medals
Briefing Contain the Terminid outbreak, before the bugs are able to spread further.
Overview Liberate Veld
Outcome SUCCESS. Well done, Helldivers. SEAF Containment Teams will take over cleanup and inoculation operations from here. Colonists have been advised that there is absolutely zero threat of further Terminid violence, and to settle their families with total peace of mind. Additionally, the pilots allocated to spore clearance on Veld have now been redirected to Helldiver support operations.
Notes Free Eagle Napalm Strike for a limited time.
Liberation of Tien Kwan
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Reward Medal.svg 50 Medals
Briefing Tien Kwan is home to the sole arsenal of new Exosuit technology. It is only a matter of time before the Automatons discover the arsenal and steal it for themselves. Liberate Tien Kwan, before it is too late.
Overview Secure the new line of combat Exosuits by liberating the planet where the production facilities are located. Liberate Tien Kwan
Outcome SUCCESS. Well done, Helldivers. Tien Kwan has been returned to the care of Managed Democracy. The Morgunson Arsenal, and its stockpile of freshly-produced Exosuits, were recovered intact. The EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit is now available for requisition.
Notes New stratagem unlocked upon completion: EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit.
Operation Valiant Enclosure: Phase III
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Reward Medal.svg 50 Medals
Briefing Upon each Barrier Planet now stands a network of massive, Termicide-dispensing towers: the Terminid Control System. Once activated, the TCS will exterminate every Terminid on that planet, and inoculate it against all future infestations. However, surges in Terminid activity have forced the SEAF Engineers to evacuate. Now, only Helldivers can ensure the safety of our citizens. The Terminid Control System must be activated—at any cost.
Overview Termicide-dispensing towers have been built all over every Barrier Planet. They need only to be activated to quarantine the bugs for good. Activate the Terminid Control System on the Barrier Planets: Erata Prime, Fenrir III, Meridia, Turing
Outcome SUCCESS. The Terminid Control System is fully activated. The Termicide is working as intended, culling millions of Terminids on the Barrier Planets. Our citizens may finally rest easy, knowing their children are forever safe from being eaten alive by fascist insects.
Notes Had an event-exclusive mission type: Activate Terminid Control System. New enemy type introduced after completion: Shrieker.
Liberation of Zagon Prime and Fori Prime
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Reward Medal.svg 35 Medals
Briefing In support of civilian population expansion and new energy demands for FTL travel, the Helldivers are ordered to cull the Terminid swarm within the Quarantine Zone through liberation of several planets.
Overview With the TCS securing our citizens' lives, now we can secure their economic future, by culling the Terminid population and harvesting the E-710 they provide. Liberate Zagon Prime and Fori Prime.
Outcome FAILED. Though many Terminids have been mercifully culled, the Helldivers were unable to penetrate as far inside the Quarantine Zone as ordered. The expansion of our citizens to new planets will be reduced in line with the reduction of expected Element 710 to be produced. Further procreation applications will be denied until further notice.
Protection of Biomass Collection Teams
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Reward Medal.svg 35 Medals
Briefing Civilian Biomass Collection Teams (BCTs) are gathering and processing inert Terminids. The Helldivers must maintain our control of the planets until these operations are complete.
Overview Designated planets must be under Super Earth control when order expires. Fori Prime, Estanu, Crimsica, Hellmire
Outcome SUCCESS. The last of the crude solid E-710 has been collected, processed, and shipped off-planet, providing a healthy boost to our colony settlement efforts. The planets can now be left behind to allow the Terminids to repopulate—under careful supervision.
Operation Swift Disassembly: Phase I
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Reward Medal.svg 50 Medals
Briefing Interrogators have extracted alarming information from captured bots, through use of Unpleasant Sensory Experience Simulations. The Automatons are planning something called "The Reclamation," which appears to be a massive invasion of unprecedented scale. Further details are scarce. In response, High Command has authorized OPERATION SWIFT DISASSEMBLY. The objective: eradicate the Automatons entirely. It will consist of several phases, each critical to overall success. PHASE I: Disrupt Communications. We have identified a long-range communications array deep in Automaton space. Its capture may reveal critical intelligence about the enemy's plans.
Overview We have discovered Automaton plans for something called "The Reclamation." Capturing their deep-space comms array on Troost may reveal critical intel about their plans. Liberate Troost.
Outcome SUCCESS. The Automaton Comms Array on Troost has been decommissioned. Strangely, it appears to have been broadcasting outside the Galactic Frontier. Analysts are working to determine more, but much data was already deleted. However, we did discover a transmission containing blueprints for a new Automaton type: aerial gunships. With this advance warning, our hardworking factory laborers have been instructed to accelerate production of our most effective anti-air weaponry.
Notes New stratagems made available during Major Order: LAS-99 Quasar Cannon and MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun.
Operation Swift Disassembly: Phase II
Faction Automaton icon.png Automatons
Reward Medal.svg 45 Medals
Briefing OP SWIFT DISASSEMBLY, PHASE II: Reduce Non-Sentient Combatant Production. Intel analysis have identified the planet Tibit as the most significant producer of illegal Automaton combatants. Liberating this planet would significantly impact the enemy's capacity to replenish decommissioned socialists. It would also limit further theft of the planet's natural resources from future generations of inarguably sentient humans.
Overview We have identified the most significant source of Automaton combatant production. Liberation of this planet will severely impact the enemy's force replenishment capacity. Liberate Tibit.
Outcome ONGOING.