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First Battle of Crimsica

First Battle of Crimsica
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date March 15th
End Date March 21st
Planet Crimsica
Major Order Related; Liberation of Zagon Prime and Fori Prime
Summary Crimsica was not liberated.


Crimsica was a planet originally owned by the Terminids in the "quarantined zone" found in the Draco Sector. Helldivers engaged on this planet briefly in their effort to complete the Major Order of liberating Fori Prime & Zagon Prime.

Strategy and Importance

Crimsica was a Terminid controlled planet in the "quarantined zone" close to Fori Prime which was easily accessible from one of the Terminid Control System Barrier Planets - Meridia, in the Umlaut Sector. Control of this planet or Estanu meant that Helldivers can focus on liberating Fori Prime. Many Helldivers chose to liberate Estanu first. This planet continued to be unimportant for the rest of the Major Order.


The majority of Helldiver forces were focusing mainly on Estanu rather than Crimsica to liberate Fori Prime during the Major Order. Since Zagon Prime was effectively unobtainable with the time available, some Helldivers chose to deploy to Crimsica in an attempt to gain a foothold on the planet. By the end of the Major Order at the time, Crimsica had approximately 16% liberation.

Second Battle of Crimsica

Second Battle of Crimsica
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date March 21st
End Date March 24th
Planet Crimsica
Major Order Protection of Biomass Collection Teams
Summary Crimsica was liberated and successfully defended on the same day.


Fori Prime & Estanu had been liberated. Crimsica was the last planet left to be liberated by the Helldivers in the Draco Sector. The Major Order: Protection of Biomass Collection Teams, required Crimsica to be finally liberated and under control as Biomass-Collection Teams processed inert Terminids for crude E-710.

Strategy and Importance

Crimsica, Estanu, Fori Prime, and Hellmire were all important planets for the collection of E-710 efforts. Estanu & Fori Prime in the Draco Sector were already under Super Earth control at the start of the operation, leaving Crimsica as the last planet to be liberated from the sector. This would mark the first time that Crimsica - and by extension, the whole of the Draco Sector - would be under Super Earth control since the start of the Second Galactic War.


Liberation was swift, only taking approximately 1 day and 20 hours to be liberated by the Helldivers. As it was the last remaining planet in the Draco Sector yet to be liberated at the time, it attracted a large amount of Helldiver activity. On the same day 2 hours after its initial liberation, Terminids attempted an attack to reclaim the planet. This was quickly dealt with by the end of the day in roughly 2-3 hours of combat. Crimsica remained under Super Earth control for the time being.

Third Battle of Crimsica

Third Battle of Crimsica
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date March 31st
End Date April 8th
Planet Crimsica
Major Order Safe E-710 Farm Construction
Summary Crimsica loses its initial defense; keeps a foothold; and sees eventual liberation.


As the defense of Fori Prime falls, Crimsica is left vulnerable to an attack by the Terminids. Most of the Helldiver forces are focused on the Automatons at this time as Operation Swift Disassembly is underway. A valiant defense attempts to push back as to prevent the Terminid's attempt at retaking the Draco Sector. After the fall of the Automatons during Operation Swift Disassembly, Crimsica was one of the three planets selected to be a new, safer, and more efficient source for E-710 as mentioned in the Major Order: Safe E-710 Farm Construction.

Strategy and Importance

Since Operation Swift Disassembly was underway to focus on the eradication of the Automatons, Crimsica held little importance for the Major Order at the time. Even though its ability to provide another avenue of attack to support Fori Prime is useful, as long as Estanu did not fall as well, Fori Prime still remained in reach - which made it acceptable to lose ground at Crimsica. As the Helldivers kept a presence on the planet and Operation Swift Disassembly finished, new Major Orders were issued including Crimsica as one of its main goals. Crimsica, Estanu, & Hellmire were all important planets in constructing E-710 farms for the Major Order.


At the start of the Third Battle of Crimsica, a marginal amount of the Helldivers deployed to Crimsica to mount a defense at an attempt to not lose the entire planet. Although the initial defense failed to fully hold the invasion, it prevented the entire planet to fall to the Terminids looking to retake the Draco Sector. Shortly after gaining a foothold on Crimsica, Estanu was attacked by Terminids. Crimsica boasted a high amount of Helldiver activity next to Estanu as the Draco Sector witnessed back and forth efforts in reclaiming all three of its planets throughout the week. The 8th of April saw a considerable amount of Helldiver reinforcements as Operation Swift Disassembly came to a close and the Major Order: Safe E-710 Farm Construction was underway. In a matter of hours, Crimsica was quickly liberated. There was a sudden unexplained spike of liberation % near the end of the long and daunting battle on Crimsica as Super Earth finally reclaimed control of the planet in the Draco Sector.

Fourth Battle of Crimsica

Fourth Battle of Crimsica
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date April 11th
End Date April 15th
Planet Crimsica
Major Order No
Summary Initially loses defense on Crimsica; sees liberation a few days later.


Even after recently establishing new E-710 farms, Crimsica was attacked again on the 11th of April. Most Helldivers are focused on the efforts of establishing the Menkent Line, leaving Crimsica to only have a piecemeal resistance to maintain control of the planet.

Strategy and Importance

Although Crimsica housed new E-710 farms vital to operations, the Automaton situation was more pressing at the time. Crimsica was held as lower priority.


Super Earth once again loses its defense on Crimsica against the Terminids on the 12th of April but maintained a foothold on the planet. Reinforcements arrived to help liberate Crimsica on the 14th of April, slowly liberating the planet by the 15th of April. Crimsica was once again reclaimed by Super Earth through the efforts of the Helldivers. The Draco Sector was fully under control of Super Earth Armed Forces, until another outbreak was present by the end of the day at Fori Prime.

Fifth Battle of Crimsica

Fifth Battle of Crimsica
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date April 29th
End Date April 30th
Planet Crimsica
Major Order No
Summary Crimsica is lost.


After enjoying rather peaceful days, Crimsica is hit with a thunderous attack by the Terminids a little over a week after its last successful defense on the 15th of April. With the Terminid Control System out of control, Super Earth Armed Forces along with a sparse amount of Helldivers were all that remained for defense. Meridia becomes a Supercolony and cuts off Supply Lines to Crimsica.

Strategy and Importance

Without the Supply Lines that Meridia provided, along with the high amount of Terminid backlash, it was highly unlikely that Super Earth would be able to control Crimsica much longer. In addition, many Helldivers were too busy managing the situation on the Barrier Planets that the defense of Crimsica was once again pushed to be a low priority. Any defense efforts at Crimsica focused on quick evacuation and the saving of lives of any surviving personnel still on the planet.


Evacuation missions were underway to save as many lives as possible still on Crimsica. On the 30th of April, Crimsica fell to the Terminids. Estanu is then attacked an hour after Crimsica falls.

Sixth Battle of Crimsica

Sixth Battle of Crimsica
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date June 3rd
End Date June 16th
Planet Crimsica
Major Order Hive Break Terminid Nurseries
Summary Crimsica was eventually liberated.


Meridia succumbs to the Dark Fluid and is effectively destroyed in Operation Enduring Peace, opening permanent Supply Lines to Estanu and Crimsica. In over a month's time, Crimsica sees battle once more. A Major Order involving Crimsica was announced on the 15th of June.

Strategy and Importance

Although Crimsica is open for liberation, it is of little importance at this time as the current Major Orders: Clear Post-Supercolony Infestations calls for the liberation of Erata Prime, Turing, Acamar IV, & Phact Bay. Crimsica is now much easier to reach because Meridia is an unattackable Supply Line. On the 15th of June, Crimsica became one of the first planets to gain a heavy activity from the Helldivers due to the new Major Order: Hive Break Terminid Nurseries - calling for the liberation of Hellmire, Estanu, Nivel 43, Fori Prime, and Crimsica for resettlement efforts.


On the 3rd of June, Crimsica once again has Helldivers on the ground. Although not a large contingency of them due to the current Major Order, the battle was underway regardless. Crimsica did not gain any Liberation % during those early deployments. The battle was a stalemate for a long time, even though almost 25 thousand Helldivers tried to liberate the planet. Fortunetly, on 15th of June, High Command issued a new Major Order that tasked Helldivers with liberating many planets, Crimsica was a part of this Major Order - being the first planet of five to receive focused liberation efforts and was shortly liberated on the 16th of June.

7th Battle of Crimsica

Seventh Battle of Crimsica
Faction Terminid icon.png Terminids
Start Date June 28th
End Date
Planet Crimsica
Major Order No.
Summary Lost the initial defense; Battle is ongoing.


A new Major Order: Liberate Falstaff and Jin Xi Sectors was announced which pushed the Helldivers to liberate and control Erson Sands, Bore Rock, Acamar IV, Pandion-XXIV, and Phact Bay. Crimsica was attacked on the 28th of June.

Strategy and Importance

Crimsica is one of the planets directly connected to Acamar IV via supply line. Although Crimsica can afford to fall, the majority of Helldivers arrived in its defense. Once the initial defense was lost, the priority and importance of the planet plummeted and many of the Helldivers redistributed themselves to other planets.


The planet's initial defense was lost on the 30th of June and slowly lost Liberation %. The battle is ongoing, but the Helldiver's are struggling to gain any kind of foothold on the planet as of now.