SG-22 Bushwhacker

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A triple-barreled, break-action, sawed-off shotgun. Switch firing modes to fire all three barrels at once.

— Armory Description

The SG-22 Bushwhacker is a one-handed shotgun that offers two distinct firing modes for the Helldiver. The first mode allows for precise single-barrel shots, while the second mode fires all three barrels of 10-Gauge Buckshot simultaneously. Its unique design and versatile firing capabilities make this weapon well-suited for close-quarters combat situations.


The Viper Commandos Premium Warbond offers these items on its third page, with a cost of Medal.svg 60 Medals.

Weapon Statistics

SG-22 Bushwhacker
Fire Rate 650 rpm
Recoil 170
Capacity 3
Reload Time 1.8 s
Tactical Reload 3 s
Spare Rounds 30
Starting Rounds 30
Rounds from Supply 30
Rounds from Ammo Box 15
Shotgun 10-Gauge Buckshot Projectile
Shotgun 10-Gauge Buckshot
Pellets x 9
Caliber 8 mm
Mass 6 g
Initial Velocity 385 m/s
Drag Factor 50%
Gravity Factor 100%
Penetration Slowdown 25%
Standard 45
vs. Durable 12
Direct Armor AP2 Icon.png Light II
Slight Angle Armor AP2 Icon.png Light II
Large Angle Armor AP2 Icon.png Light II
Extreme Angle Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Special Effects
Demolition Force 10
Stagger Force 35
Push Force 30

Tactical Information

  • Like the P-4 Senator or SG-8 Punisher, the SG-22 Bushwhacker reloads one shell at a time. This means that whilst its triple-barrel fire can obliterate many foes at point blank, it leaves the user vulnerable during the extended reload time. Single shots are more than enough to dispatch most smaller targets, so the triple-shot mode should be reserved for serious threats.



Change History



Added to the game.