BR-14 Adjudicator

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An accurate, armor-penetrating rifle, the BR-14 Adjudicator delivers righteous judgement to medium-sized enemies, though its restrictive magazine limits its effectiveness against large groups.

— Armory Description

The BR-14 Adjudicator is a heavy Assault Rifle primary weapon in Helldivers 2. It offers enhanced damage and medium armor penetration at a solid rate of fire. It can deal a lot of damage quickly, but heavy recoil limits its effective range and overall accuracy.


It is unlocked on the 1st page of the Democratic Detonation Premium Warbond for Medal.svg 20 Medals.

Detailed Weapon Statistics

BR-14 Adjudicator
Fire Rate 550 rpm
Recoil 40
Capacity 30
Reload Time 3 s
Tactical Reload 1.7 s
Spare Magazines 8
Starting Magazines 6
Mags from Supply 8
Mags from Ammo Box 4
Battle Rifle Projectile
Battle Rifle
Caliber 8 mm
Mass 11 g
Initial Velocity 820 m/s
Drag Factor 30%
Gravity Factor 100%
Penetration Slowdown 25%
Standard 80
vs. Durable 16
Direct Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium I
Slight Angle Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium I
Large Angle Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium I
Extreme Angle Armor AP1 Icon.png Light I
Special Effects
Demolition Force 10
Stagger Force 15
Push Force 12

Tactical Information

  • Without the Hellpod Space Optimization booster, it deploys with 6 out of the total 8 spare mags.
  • One Resupply pickup restores all 8 magazines, while an Ammo pickup gives 4.


Usage Recommendations

Adjudicator's high damage per second, coupled with medium armor penetration, make it very effective against Terminids, as high degree of precision is not required when engaging them. Dispatch smaller threats with short bursts to conserve ammunition, and go full auto against larger, more threatening enemies, such as Brood Commanders.

Adjudicator has relatively high recoil and is best used alongside armor with Engineering Kit or Fortified passive. You also want to be crouched or prone while firing whenever possible to further reduce the recoil.

Adjudicator is a versatile, high damage weapon that can deal with any Terminid with less armor than a Charger without losing effectiveness and ease of use against smaller, more mobile enemies, like Hunters. Using it alongside an anti-tank support weapon, such as the Recoilless Rifle, will allow you to be very versatile and effectively deal with any threat on the battlefield. However, you will still require the aid of other helldivers or stratagems to efficiently deal with large groups of enemies.

Groups of armored enemies, such as Bile Spewers or Hive Guards, can also be tough to deal with without wasting entire magazines worth of ammunition. In such cases, it is often better to use an Impact Grenade instead.

Change History




  • Fixed incorrect Adjudicator recoil values.



  • Increased magazine capacity from 25 to 30.
  • Increased projectile damage against durable body parts from 10% to 20%.



  • Full auto is now the default fire mode.
  • Reduced recoil.
  • Increased maximum mags from 6 to 8.
  • Increased number of magazines received from resupply from 6 to 8.
  • Now categorized as an assault rifle instead of a marksman rifle.


  • Added to the game.