Helldivers 1:Stratagem Priority

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Lowers the cooldown of all Stratagems by 40%. Increased supply algorithm priority allows the Helldiver to call in stratagems much more frequently.

Unlock Requirement

Stratagem Priority unlocks at rank 10 (2nd Lieutenant).

Gameplay Tips

  • With Stratagem Priority, a Stratagem that has a cooldown will have 40% of its cooldown timer already filled up, instead of starting at zero. For the remainder of the cooldown period, the Stratagem's timer will refill at the normal rate.
  • To get the most out of Stratagem Priority, fill your Stratagem slots with ones that can be re-used. Single-use Stratagems such as support weapons, backpacks or vehicles only have one use per slot; as such, there's no attached cooldown period.

Stratagem Cooldown Times

All cooldown times listed are in seconds. Note that the table below can be sorted in either ascending or descending order by clicking its headers.

Stratagem Normal Priority Priority Cooldown
>= Than Duration?
Resupply 180 108 N/A
MGX-42 Machine Gun 120 72 N/A
EAT-17 120 72 N/A
REC-6 Demolisher 180 108 N/A
Humblebee UAV drone 90 54 Yes
Distractor Beacon 120 72 Yes
A/MG-11 Minigun Turret 180 108 Yes
A/RX-34 Railcannon Turret 120 72 Yes
A/AC-6 Tesla Tower 180 108 Yes
A/GL-8 Launcher Turret 120 72 Yes
Airdropped Anti-Personnel Mines 45 27 N/A
Airdropped Stun Mines (Mk1 & Mk2) 45 27 N/A
Airdropped Stun Mines (Mk3) 30 18 N/A
AT-47 Anti-Tank Emplacement 180 108 Yes
Anti-Personnel Barrier (Mk1 & Mk2) 60 36 Yes
Anti-Personnel Barrier (Mk3) 40 24 Yes
Thunderer Smoke Round 100 60 No
Airstrike 90 54 N/A
Close Air Support 75 45 N/A
Heavy Strafing Run (Mk1) 50 30 N/A
Heavy Strafing Run (Mk2 & Mk3) 35 21 N/A
Incendiary Bombs (Mk1 & Mk2) 60 36 No
Incendiary Bombs (Mk3) 45 27 No
Missile Barrage 180 108 No
Orbital Laser Strike 180 108 No
Railcannon Strike (Mk1 & Mk2) 120 72 N/A
Railcannon Strike (Mk3) 60 36 N/A
Shredder Missile Strike 210 126 N/A
Sledge Precision Artillery 120 72 N/A
Static Field Conductors 45 27 Yes
Strafing Run 10 6 N/A
Thunderer Barrage 180 108 No
Vindicator Dive Bomb 10 6 N/A
Reinforce (Mk1) 60 36 N/A
Reinforce (Mk2) 45 27 N/A
Reinforce (Mk3) 30 18 N/A
NUX-223 Hellbomb 35 21 N/A
ME-1 Sniffer Metal Detector 35 21 N/A



Laser Aim Module Stun Grenades Heavy Armor Stratagem Priority Cardio Accelerator MD-99 Autoinjector Smoke Grenades Incendiary Grenades Displacement Field P-6 Gunslinger FLAM-24 Pyro PLAS-3 Singe All Terrain Boots Precision Call-In