Helldivers 1:Incendiary Bombs

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Fully upgraded to Hellfire Incendiary Bombs

A fighter jet lays down a carpet of incendiary bombs, creating a flaming area that sets targets on fire and causes damage over time.

— Armory Description

Stratagem Code

Players must enter the following sequence, using the controller d‑pad, in order to call down this stratagem during a mission:
Arrow 3 R.pngArrow 4 U.pngArrow 2 L.pngArrow 3 R.png

Unlock Requirement

The Incendiary Bombs stratagem is granted to the player as a reward for completing all the missions on its associated planet (typically a medium-low level planet - difficulty 4 to 6).


Upgrade Cost Effect
HD1 Stratagem Incendiary Bombs mk1.png Mk1 Basic variant, no upgrades.
HD1 Stratagem Incendiary Bombs mk2.png Mk2 Research-point.png 1 Upgraded incendiary bombs burn for an extended period of time. Duration increased from 14 to 20 seconds. Stratagem name changed to 'Hellfire' Incendiary Bombs.
HD1 Stratagem Incendiary Bombs mk3.png Mk3 Research-point.png 2 Lightweight construction lowers cooldown from 60 seconds to 45 seconds. This upgrade requires the Strafing Run Mk2.

Gameplay Tips

  • The column of fire always arrives perpendicular to the throw.
  • Incendiary Bombs also deal a small amount of explosive damage at the time of detonation. This can even damage or kill Cyborg Warlords.
  • Many enemies will not cross the wall of fire and will try to find a path around it, making this useful for area denial. If they can't see a path, they'll usually hang back until the fire burns itself out. However, heavier foes aren't particularly intimidated by the flames and will march or drive right through.
  • Cooldown time with Stratagem Priority is 36 seconds (27 when upgraded), allowing Helldivers to put up another Hellfire wall immediatelly after the original burns out.



Supply Stratagems

Resupply REP-80 AD-289 Angel AD-334 Guard Dog LIFT-850 Jump Pack Resupply Pack SH-20 Shield Generator Pack SH-32 Directional Kinetic Shield

MG-94 Machine Gun MGX-42 Machine Gun AC-22 Dum-Dum LAS-98 Laser Cannon FLAM-40 Incinerator TOX-13 Avenger Obliterator Grenade Launcher MLS-4X Commando RL-112 Recoilless Rifle EAT-17 REC-6 Demolisher M-25 Rumbler

EXO-44 Walker Exosuit EXO-48 Obsidian Exosuit EXO-51 Lumberer Exosuit M5 APC M5-32 HAV TD-110 Bastion MC-109 Hammer Motorcycle

Defensive Stratagems

A/AC-6 Tesla Tower A/GL-8 Launcher Turret A/MG-11 Minigun Turret A/RX-34 Railcannon Turret Airdropped Anti-Personnel Mines Airdropped Stun Mines Anti-Personnel Barrier AT-47 Anti-Tank Emplacement Distractor Beacon Humblebee UAV drone Thunderer Smoke Round

Offensive Stratagems

Airstrike Close Air Support Heavy Strafing Run Incendiary Bombs Missile Barrage Orbital Laser Strike Railcannon Strike Shredder Missile Strike Sledge Precision Artillery Static Field Conductors Strafing Run Thunderer Barrage Vindicator Dive Bomb

Special Stratagems

Emergency Beacon ME-1 Sniffer Metal Detector NUX-223 Hellbomb Reinforce