Enemy Bio-Processors

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The bots are breaking down organic matter for use in some twisted, un-Democratic purpose.

— Mission Briefing

Enemy Bio-Processors is a sub-objective that can appear on Automaton-controlled planets. Helldivers must destroy the Bio-Processor in order to complete the objective. It is located within an Automaton outpost.

Objective Steps

Tactical Information


Main Objectives
Activate E-710 Pumps  •  Activate Terminid Control System  •  Conduct Geological Survey  •  Deactivate Terminid Control System  •  Deploy Dark Fluid  •  Destroy Command Bunkers  •  Destroy Transmission Network  •  Earn Your Helldiver Cape  •  Eliminate Automaton Factory Strider  •  Eliminate Automaton Hulks  •  Eliminate Bile Titans  •  Eliminate Brood Commanders  •  Eliminate Chargers  •  Eliminate Devastators  •  Emergency Evacuation  •  Enable E-710 Extraction  •  Eradicate Automaton Forces  •  Eradicate Terminid Swarm  •  Evacuate High-Value Assets  •  Launch ICBM  •  Neutralize Orbital Defenses  •  Nuke Nursery  •  Pump Fuel To ICBM  •  Purge Hatcheries  •  Retrieve Essential Personnel  •  Retrieve Valuable Data  •  Sabotage Air Base  •  Sabotage Supply Bases  •  Spread Democracy  •  Terminate Illegal Broadcast  •  Upload Escape Pod Data
Optional Objectives