Helldivers Wiki:Manual Of Style/Page Structures/Enemies

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Definition of the enemy from in-game

— In-game Source

Overview of the enemy in your own words

Tactical Information

Bulleted list of tips, tricks, and other information

  • This is a tip
  • This is a trick


Explain the behavior of the enemy when it is moving


Explain how the enemy attacks, how to dodge them, etc.


Explain the weak points of the enemy, potential ways to kill them, etc.

Known Issues

There are no known issues related to the Manual Of Style/Page Structures/Enemies at this time.


The Enemy Part Statistics template should be added to this section for each enemy part.

Example Part 1
Statistic Value
Health 500
Armor Value Armor AV6 Icon.png Heavy II
Durable Damage Ratio 60
Main Health Transfer Ratio 100
Bleed Value None
Fatal Part? No
Example Part 2
Statistic Value
Health 500
Armor Value Armor AV6 Icon.png Heavy II
Durable Damage Ratio 60
Main Health Transfer Ratio 100
Bleed Value None
Fatal Part? No


Add images of the enemy here

Change History

Should list each change that the weapon has undergone, and what update caused that change

  • 1.000.000
    • Add relevant version and what changed here

Add category related to enemy faction

Terminid icon.png

Scavenger Bile Spitter Pouncer Warrior Hive Guard Hunter Stalker Shrieker Bile Spewer Nursing Spewer Brood Commander Charger Bile Titan

Automaton icon.png

Trooper Commissar Scout Strider Berserker Devastator Gunship Hulk Tank Factory Strider Dropship