Bile Spewer

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Bile Spewers appeared following unavoidable spills of toxic chemicals on Terminid E-710 farms. The Bile Spewer’s thorax is bloated with several metric tons of corrosive acid, which it vomits in revulsion upon encountering Democracy.

— Helldivers 2 PlayStation Store Page

The Bile Spewer is a moderately armored, medium-sized Terminid that can appear on Medium difficulty and higher. They appear to be a mature Bile Spitter with an enlarged abdomen. They have medium armor on their head, meaning most primary weapons cannot hit their weak spot.

Bile Spewers spit streams of bile, which can slow down and can prove fatal to a Helldiver if they are exposed to a full stream. Diving out of the way when it rears its head for this attack is advised.

On Extreme difficulty and higher, Bile Spewers gain the ability to fire a volley of bile into the air, similar to a mortar. This greatly increases the Bile Spewer's range and lethality.

Tactical Information

  • Take caution when shooting or rupturing up Bile Spewer abdomens (including corpses), as they will explode and damage nearby organisms.
  • They are best killed by shooting their head, as that is considered their weak spot, though this requires weaponry with medium armor penetration. They can also be killed efficiently by targeting their backs with explosives. Regular weapons can damage their bile sack, but will require many shots to get a kill.
    • A single well-placed grenade near or under the Spewer will often one-shot or nearly kill it; the G-16 Impact grenade is especially effective, and can even kill 2 adjacent Spewers with a well-placed throw.
    • An unsafe RS-422 Railgun will kill with one headshot or two body shots.
    • The GL-21 Grenade Launcher will kill in two to three rounds, and it's wide-area explosive rounds can prove effective against swarms of Spewers.
    • The APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle will kill with a single shot to the head.
    • The SG-8S Slugger can kill with 3 headshots (or two, if you hit its open mouth), but body shots are significantly less effective. Fortunately, the Slugger's stagger effect will interrupt a Bile Spewer's attack, making it easy prey for repeated headshots.
  • The mouth is vulnerable to any weapon, though can be difficult to hit due to its size. Shotguns such as the SG-8 Punisher or SG-225 Breaker can damage it with less difficulty.

Change History



  • Spewers will now get slowed if they lose their legs.
  • Spewer puke now applies the acid effect.
  • Spewer puke now can only damage Helldivers up to 4 times per second and the Helldiver cannot take damage multiple times from the same projectile.
  • The acid effect applied by Bile Spewers and other Terminids now allows you to sprint while under the effect.
  • Acid now slows you by 30% instead of 50%.
  • Acid duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Bile Spewer and Nursing Spewers move speed slightly reduced.
  • Bile Spewers and Nursing Spewers do less damage with their puke.

Scavenger Bile Spitter Pouncer Warrior Hive Guard Hunter Stalker Shrieker Bile Spewer Nursing Spewer Brood Commander Charger Bile Titan


Trooper Commissar Scout Strider Berserker Devastator Gunship Hulk Tank Factory Strider Dropship