Automaton Fabricator

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Automaton Fabricator Vent Locations.png

The Automaton Fabricator is an Automaton exclusive structure found in Automaton Outposts. These fabricators will continuously deploy new automaton units until they are destroyed.

Tactical Information

  • Automaton Fabricators can be destroyed by getting weak explosives (grenades, explosive munition) inside it, or from the outside by using strong explosive (airstrikes, orbital bombardments) or with blunt force (Hellpod, 500kg Bomb).
  • A Fabticator can also be destroyed by a Cannon Turret shot or a Meteorite.
  • Upon destruction the fabricator will perform an animation and explode with a decently large amount of force, damaging any Enemies or Helldivers nearby.
Main Objectives
Activate E-710 Pumps  •  Activate Terminid Control System  •  Conduct Geological Survey  •  Deactivate Terminid Control System  •  Deploy Dark Fluid  •  Destroy Command Bunkers  •  Destroy Transmission Network  •  Earn Your Helldiver Cape  •  Eliminate Automaton Factory Strider  •  Eliminate Automaton Hulks  •  Eliminate Bile Titans  •  Eliminate Brood Commanders  •  Eliminate Chargers  •  Eliminate Devastators  •  Emergency Evacuation  •  Enable E-710 Extraction  •  Eradicate Automaton Forces  •  Eradicate Terminid Swarm  •  Evacuate High-Value Assets  •  Launch ICBM  •  Pump Fuel To ICBM  •  Purge Hatcheries  •  Retrieve Essential Personnel  •  Retrieve Valuable Data  •  Sabotage Air Base  •  Sabotage Supply Bases  •  Spread Democracy  •  Terminate Illegal Broadcast  •  Upload Escape Pod Data
Optional Objectives