P-11 Stim Pistol

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Fires a ballistic dart at near-supersonic speeds, allowing the user to sim allies from a distance. Might sting.

— Armory Description

The Stim Pistol is a Special Secondary Weapon that fires healing stim rounds.


The Stim Pistol is unlocked on the 3rd page of the Chemical Agents Premium Warbond for Medal.svg 80 Medals.

Weapon Statistics

P-11 Stim Pistol
Fire Rate 70 rpm
Recoil 23
Capacity 6
Reload Time 3.85 s
Reloading 1 Round 1.95 s
Reloading 5 Rounds 4.75 s
Spare Rounds 24
Starting Rounds 18
Rounds from Supply 18
Rounds from Ammo Box 9
Pistol Stim Projectile
Pistol Stim
Caliber 1 mm
Mass 1 g
Initial Velocity 80 m/s
Drag Factor 10%
Gravity Factor 100%
Penetration Slowdown 100%
Standard 0
vs. Durable 0
Direct Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Slight Angle Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Large Angle Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Extreme Angle Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Special Effects
Demolition Force 0
Stagger Force 0
Push Force 0


The Stim Pistol holds six rounds, which are reloaded individually like the Senator. Upon hitting a teammate, it gradually restores roughly 33-40% of their HP, at a regeneration rate roughly one-third that of the standard Stim, while also healing any injuries and providing the stamina replenishment and boost effect. The darts can benefit from the Med-Kit passive so long as the weapon wielder is wearing the armor, as well as Experimental Infusion. The darts stack linearly on patients, rather than refreshing the duration, so each dart will provide its full healing effect. Because the darts do no damage, they have no effect when shooting Enemies, and cannot trigger Hellbombs or other explosive props.

Tactical Information

  • The Stim Pistol is purely a support Secondary Weapon that cannot inflict damage, but rather heals teammates upon hitting them.
    • Unlike standard Stims, the Stim Pistol does not require players to be next to each other to provide support healing. Being able to heal teammates at a distance gives it tremendous tactical flexibility.
    • However, the slow travel speed and arcing nature of the dart greatly reduces its effective range. Be sure to account for the projectile's behavior when attempting to heal teammates.
  • Healing darts from the Stim Pistol will gradually heal patients at a rate slower than Stims, rather than instantaneously replenishing their health.
    • Stim darts will provide the additional duration bonus of the Med-Kit armor passive, provided that the Stim Pistol wielder is wearing the armor, as well as the sprint speed increase and damage resistance bonuses of Experimental Infusion.
    • Patients will also receive the standard benefits of healing injuries as well as fully replenished stamina for the duration of the effect.
  • Because of its limited regeneration effect, the Stim Pistol is not very effective at healing teammates in the midst of battle.
    • Not only will Stim darts only replenish a small fraction of teammates' health bars per shot, but they will be frequently sprinting and diving to avoid enemy attacks, making them very difficult to hit.
    • However, one benefit to healing teammates during battle is that it can heal any injuries they may have sustained. This can help keep them on their feet for longer, and keep moving to escape danger.
    • When attempting to heal teammates, try to predict their movements depending on their battlefield situation. For instance, standing still to reload their support weapons makes them easy heal targets, and diving players will be prone for a short amount of time upon landing. Additionally, teammates manning a HMG Emplacement will be completely stationary and can be supported during battle.
    • Sometimes the best way to help teammates in battle is to simply eliminate the enemies that they are fighting. While healing any damage taken can reduce the chances of death, destroying any attacking enemies will also reduce the chances of teammates taking any damage that would require healing in the first place. A balance must be struck between healing teammates and eliminating enemies that are damaging them.
  • Healing teammates outside of combat is the easiest way to use the weapon.
    • The primary use of the Stim Pistol is to recover small amounts of health that do not warrant the consumption of a full Stim, at the end of a skirmish. This is a safe way to ensure that they always enter the next battle with full health, and save them from using one of their limited Stims.
    • Because of the gradual effect of the heal, shooting teammates right before battle can grant them a slight bonus before engaging enemies. The benefits of pre-battle heals range from taking the edge off of damage taken early in a fight, to granting the Experimental Infusion effects.
    • As it still provides the full stamina effect, using the Stim Pistol on a sprinting teammate can reset their stamina, allowing them to continue running. This can be handy for reducing the travel time between objectives.
  • Like the Senator, when reloading the Stim Pistol from a completely empty cylinder, a speed loader will be used to replace all depleted rounds at once. Therefore, the decision as to when to reload is the reverse of when reloading magazine-fed weapons, as tactical reloads will take longer than full reloads.
  • One of the most useful attributes of the Stim Pistol is that, similar to the Grenade Pistol, it replenishes its ammunition through Ammo Boxes. It restores 9 rounds through an Ammo Box, and 18 rounds through a Resupply.
  • Stim Pistol darts cannot penetrate the Shield Generator Pack or Shield Generator Relay. In order to heal teammates under the effects of either, the weapon must be inside of the shield as it fires; in the case of the Shield Generator Pack, this means standing directly next to the wearer such that the weapon's model clips through the shield.


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