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An Operation is a collection of missions. Complete all missions to succeed with an operation and gain bonus rewards. Failing one mission will fail the rest of the operation.

— Super Earth Mission Control

In Helldivers 2, a Helldiver is deployed to Operations where they complete Missions and Optional Objectives issued by Super Earth. Missions can be completed at various difficulties.

Planetary Campaign Status

Only planets that are under a liberation campaign will be subject to Operation Modifiers, whereas planets under defense campaigns are completely absent of any Operation Modifiers.

Liberation Campaign

Our enemies have forced conflict upon this region. There can be no peace until they are defeated.

— Planet Description under enemy control

Defense Campaign

The Terminid swarm has descended on this planet and threatens to infest it.
We must repel this vile incursion before it is too late!

— Planet Description under Terminid Attack

An Automaton invasion fleet is attacking this planet.
We must repel the invading forces before it is too late!

— Planet Description under Automaton attack

High-Priority Campaign

While most Terminids were killed by the Termicide, some survived and adapted. Now, they threaten to evolvoe further and take over the entire planet. Every Termicide Disperson Tower on this planet must be shut down as soon as possible.

— Planet Description during the Deactivate TCS Event

Main Objectives

Also known as Primary Objectives.

The Mission Objectives that can be completed on any planet regardless of which enemy occupies the planet. Main Objective completions are rewarded with Requisition Slip.svg 500 Requisition and XP.png 100 Experience. This is before any Difficulty multipliers are applied. Successful Extraction is not required to gain the reward at the end of the mission.

Icon Mission Difficulty
Terminate Illegal Broadcast Mission Icon.svg Terminate Illegal Broadcast Trivial Difficulty Icon.pngTrivial and Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy only
Enable E-710 Extraction Mission Icon.svg Pump Fuel To ICBM Trivial Difficulty Icon.pngTrivial and Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy only
Upload Escape Pod Data Mission Icon.svg Upload Escape Pod Data Trivial Difficulty Icon.pngTrivial and Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy only
Spread Democracy Mission Icon.svg Spread Democracy Any
Conduct Geological Survey Mission Icon.svg Conduct Geological Survey Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy +
Launch ICBM Mission Icon.svg Launch ICBM Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium +
Retrieve Valuable Data Mission Icon.svg Retrieve Valuable Data Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium +
Eradicate Terminid Swarm Mission Icon.svg Eradicate Automaton Forces Mission Icon.svg Blitz: Search and Destroy Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium +
Emergency Evacuation Mission Icon.svg Emergency Evacuation Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium +
Retrieve Essential Personnel Mission Icon.svg Retrieve Essential Personnel (Defense Exclusive) Any
Evacuate High-Value Assets Mission Icon.svg Evacuate High-Value Assets (Defense Exclusive) Hard Difficulty Icon.pngHard +

Terminid Specific

Mission Objectives that can only be completed on planets that are occupied by Terminids.

Icon Mission Difficulty
Eliminate Brood Commanders Mission Icon.svg Eliminate Brood Commanders Trivial Difficulty Icon.pngTrivial and Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy only
Eliminate Chargers Mission Icon.svg Eliminate Chargers Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium only
Eliminate Bile Titans Mission Icon.svg Eliminate Bile Titans Challenging Difficulty Icon.pngChallenging only
Activate E-710 Pumps Mission Icon.svg Activate E-710 Pumps Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy and Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium only
Purge Hatcheries Mission Icon.svg Purge Hatcheries Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy +
Enable E-710 Extraction Mission Icon.svg Enable E-710 Extraction Challenging Difficulty Icon.pngChallenging +
Nuke Nursery Mission Icon.svg Nuke Nursery Challenging Difficulty Icon.pngChallenging +
Activate Terminid Control System Mission Icon.svg Activate Terminid Control System (Event) Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy +
Activate Terminid Control System Mission Icon.svg Deactivate Terminid Control System (Event) Any
Deploy Dark Fluid Mission Icon.svg Deploy Dark Fluid (Event) Any
Eradicate Terminid Swarm Mission Icon.svg Eradicate Terminid Swarm Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy + (Defense only),

Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium +

Automaton Specific

Mission Objectives that can only be completed on planets occupied by Automatons.

Icon Mission Difficulty
Destroy Transmission Network Mission Icon.svg Destroy Transmission Network Trivial Difficulty Icon.pngTrivial and Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy only
Eliminate Devastators Mission Icon.svg Eliminate Devastators Trivial Difficulty Icon.pngTrivial and Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy only
Eliminate Automaton Hulks Mission Icon.svg Eliminate Automaton Hulks Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium only
Eliminate Automaton Factory Strider Mission Icon.svg Eliminate Automaton Factory Strider Challenging Difficulty Icon.pngChallenging to Extreme Difficulty Icon.pngExtreme only
Sabotage Supply Bases Mission Icon.svg Sabotage Supply Bases Trivial Difficulty Icon.pngTrivial to Hard Difficulty Icon.pngHard only
Sabotage Air Base Mission Icon 2.svg Sabotage Air Base Mission Icon.svg Sabotage Air Base Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium +
Eradicate Automaton Forces Mission Icon.svg Eradicate Automaton Forces Easy Difficulty Icon.pngEasy + (Defense only),

Medium Difficulty Icon.pngMedium +

Destroy Command Bunkers Mission Icon.svg Destroy Command Bunkers Hard Difficulty Icon.pngHard +
Neutralize Orbital Defenses Mission Icon.svg Neutralize Orbital Defenses Hard Difficulty Icon.pngHard +

Optional Objectives

Optional Objectives, also referred to as Tactical Objectives are additional goals to complete within a mission. Spawning 1-5 depending on difficulty and faction, completing these Objectives potentially unlocks in-mission rewards, or removing negative in-mission planetary effects. Optional Objective completions are rewarded with Requisition Slip.svg 200 Requisition and XP.png 50 Experience. This is before any Difficulty multipliers are applied. Successful Extraction is not required to gain the reward at the end of the mission.

Symbol Name Faction Effect Goal Completion Effect
Radar Station OO Icon.svg Radar Station Human No hostile effect. Activate tower by raising and aligning dish. Reveals all Minor Places of Interest and Optional Objectives on the map.
SEAF Artillery OO Icon.svg SEAF Artillery Activate, load, and arm artillery cannon. Grants Helldivers access to 5 shared uses of the SEAF Artillery stratagem. Shell type is determined by load order, with the first shell inserted being the first stratagem available.
Destroy Rogue Research Station OO Icon.svg Destroy Rogue Research Station Destroy Structure (see page for details). No additional effect.
Terminate Illegal Broadcast OO Icon.svg Terminate Illegal Broadcast
Upload Escape Pod Data OO Icon.svg Upload Escape Pod Data Upload data via Upload Data Stratagem.
Spore Spewer OO Icon.svg Spore Spewer Terminid Obscures vision with a dense fog. Destroy Structure (see page for details). Removes dense fog from affected area.
Stalker Lair OO Icon.svg Stalker Lair Periodically releases Stalkers. Stops spawning Enemies. Individual Stalker holes count toward the Blitz: Search And Destroy "Find and close any active Terminid holes" main objective.
Shrieker Nest OO Icon.svg Shrieker Nest While Helldivers are within 130m of the Structure; periodically spawns Shriekers. Stops spawning Enemies. Individual Shrieker towers count toward the Blitz: Search And Destroy "Find and close any active Terminid holes" main objective.
Retrieve Mutant Larva Periodically attracts Terminids to its location. Extract while carrying the larva. No additional effect.
SEAF SAM Site OO Icon.svg SEAF SAM Site Automaton No hostile effect. Activate SAM by interacting with the terminal. Attempts to shoot down Automaton Dropships and Gunships.
Detector Tower OO Icon.svg Detector Tower Scans for Helldivers, summoning bot drops if one is detected. Destroy Structure (see page for details). Removes hostile effect.
Mortar Emplacement OO Icon.svg Mortar Emplacement Attacks Helldivers within 150m - 20m of itself.
Stratagem Jammer OO Icon.svg Stratagem Jammer Disables the use of all Stratagems in a radius of 150m.
Anti-Air Emplacement OO Icon.svg Anti-Air Emplacement Disables all Eagle Stratagems in a radius of 150m.
Gunship Facility OO Icon.svg Gunship Facility Periodically releases Gunships. Stops spawning Enemies. Individual Gunship fabricators count toward the Blitz: Search And Destroy "Find and destroy any active Automaton fabricators" main objective.
Enemy Bio-Processors No hostile effect. No additional effect.

Enemy Outposts

Resupply Stratagem Icon.png
This section is missing information about differences between the three sizes of structures and the expected number of structures per difficulty. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Enemy Outposts are structures that occur within a mission that are characterized by the presence of various spawn structures, which will continually spawn enemies until destroyed. They often contain a number of enemies guarding the spawn structures, and will also generally contain various supplies and samples. Destroying all spawn structures within the outpost qualifies as destroying the outpost, which will reward the player with additional XP.png Experience and Requisition Slip.svg Requisition on mission completion.

Unlike optional objectives, completing the Radar Station optional objective will not reveal the locations of nests, but can often be identified by the red hostile area markings on the map when not under the effect of the Atmospheric Spores Operation Modifier.

Symbol Name Faction Effect Goal
Automaton icon.png Automaton Outpost Automaton Periodically spawns Troopers. Destroy all Fabricators.
Terminid icon.png Terminid Nest Terminid Periodically spawns Scavengers, Warriors, Bile Spitters, Pouncers, or Hunters. Close all bug holes.

Mission Result

Resupply Stratagem Icon.png
This section is missing information about the circumstances under which additional stars are awarded and rating names. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Missions count as successful if the main objective was complete; otherwise, they are treated as a failure which is possible if the Super Destroyer leaves low orbit before the main objective is completed. Not all five stars are available on every difficulty.

Mission Result
% required Success Rating Failure Rating
100% Outstanding Patriotism N/A
80% Superior Valour Costly Failure
60% Honorable Duty Honorable Duty
40% Unremarkable Performance
20% Disappointing Service
0% N/A Disgraceful Conduct

Major Orders

All Helldivers are given Major Orders to complete.

Personal Orders

All Helldivers are given optional Personal Orders to complete.