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Reason: Patch 1.001.100, armor values

Shamelessly copied from Super Earth tank designs, the Automaton Tank is clearly inferior in such a multitude of aspects that it would be impractical to list them here.

— Helldivers 2 PlayStation Store Page

The Tank is a very large, heavily-armored Automaton vehicle that first appears on Medium difficulty with a low spawning chance, scaling up in frequency the higher the difficulty. It may also spawn on specific medium-to-large Automaton Outpost layouts even if it cannot spawn as part of regular patrols on that difficulty level.

The Tank comes in three variants: Annihilator Tank, Shredder Tank, and Barrager Tank, each with different armaments, requiring different strategies to decommission them.

Tactical Information

  • Tanks have a 360° field of view and will fire continuously. They are vulnerable at close range, but Helldivers must be cautious and use cover on their approach towards a Tank.
  • A Tank cannot harm Helldivers if you climb on top of its turret. However, direct contact of their tracks will cause severe and constant damage.
  • A Tank's turret has less health compared to its chassis, and destroying it will also destroy the Tank.
    • Therefore, it is recommended to use anti-vehicle weaponry such as the EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank on a Tank's turret.
    • Two grenades to the vent of the turret will also destroy a Tank, with G-16 Impact being the most effective grenade to use.
    • Eagle 110mm Rocket Pods are markedly effective as they will almost always strike the large, slow, Tank directly from above, and are very likely to destroy the Tank with one call-in.
  • The rear chassis of a Tank is vulnerable to weaponry such as the APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle and AC-8 Autocannon.
  • The Tank can be immobilized by destroying its tracks. This can be done with medium armor-piercing Support Weapons such as the AC-8 Autocannon and APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle.
  • Recommended stratagems to use to dispatch Tanks are Eagle Airstrikes, Eagle 500kg Bomb, Orbital Precision Strike, Orbital Railcannon Strike or Orbital Laser.
  • Once destroyed, there is a short delay before the Tank explodes, which can deal damage and knock back Helldivers.
    • A destroyed Tank is a convenient defense position that a Helldiver could utilize.
    • Destroying a Tank by a landing on it with a Hellpod will give little time for Helldivers to escape the explosion.


The Annihilator Tank is equipped with a Cannon identical to the Cannon Turret, a coaxial Fusion Repeater, and hull-mounted Fusion Repeaters. Turret rotates and fires rather slowly.

  • Similar to a Cannon Turret, the Annihilator's Cannon will briefly flash red before it fires.
  • Without infantry support, the slow rotation and reload of the Annihilator can make it an easy target for Helldivers at close range. It is recommended that Helldivers approach the Tank facing away from its coaxial Fusion Repeater.
  • The back of the Annihilator's Cannon has a large vent that can be damaged by medium armor-penetrating weapons such as the JAR-5 Dominator.


Part Name Health* AV** Location 1 Location 2 Durable %To Main*** Bleed Fatal
Tank Main
3000 Armor AV5 Icon.png Heavy I 100% - N/A Yes
Turret Main 2100 Armor AV5 Icon.png Heavy I Annihilator Turret Main 1.png Annihilator Turret Main 2.png 100% 0% N/A Yes
Turret Front Main; Turret Armor AV6 Icon.png Heavy II Annihilator Turret Front 1.png Annihilator Turret Front 2.png 100% 100% N/A Yes
Turret Vent Main; Turret Armor AV3 Icon.png Medium I Annihilator Turret Vent 1.png 100% 200% N/A Yes
Hull Front Main; Tank Armor AV6 Icon.png Heavy II Tank Hull Front 1.png 100% 100% N/A Yes
Hull Side Main; Tank Armor AV5 Icon.png Heavy I Tank Hull Sides 1.png Tank Hull Sides 2.png 100% 100% N/A Yes
Hull Back Main; Tank Armor AV3 Icon.png Medium I Tank Hull Back 1.png 100% 100% N/A Yes
Tracks 750 Armor AV3 Icon.png Medium I Tank Tracks 1.png Tank Tracks 2.png 100% 0% N/A No
* Parts with their HP listed as "Main" do not have their own individual health. All damage dealt to these parts is dealt to the enemy's Main damage pool.
** Refer to armor values as defined in Damage.
*** The percentage of damage that applied to the enemies Main damage pool. At 0 HP, the enemy dies.

The Shredder Tank is equipped with a quad Autocannon Turret, similar to the Anti-Air Emplacement. Turret rotates quickly and has a high rate of fire.
  • The Shredder's turret is deadly at range due to its high rate of fire, relatively short reload, and fast rotational speed that can easily track and kill Helldivers.
    • Despite this, the turret has lighter armor behind its shield, making it vulnerable to medium armor-piercing weapons such as the JAR-5 Dominator.
  • Climbing onto a Shredder Tank is ill-advised due to its turret's rotation speed and height; it is only safe to be on top of the turret itself.


Part Name Health* AV** Location 1 Location 2 Durable %To Main*** Bleed Fatal
Tank Main
3000 Armor AV5 Icon.png Heavy I 100% - N/A Yes
Turret Main 2100 Armor AV5 Icon.png Heavy I 100% 0% N/A Yes
Turret Front Main; Turret Armor AV6 Icon.png Heavy II Shredder Turret Front 1.png Shredder Turret Front 2.png 100% 100% N/A Yes
Turret Vent, Sides Main; Turret Armor AV3 Icon.png Medium I 100% 200% N/A Yes
Hull Front Main; Tank Armor AV5 Icon.png Heavy I Tank Hull Front 1.png 100% 100% N/A Yes
Hull Side Main; Tank Armor AV5 Icon.png Heavy I Tank Hull Sides 1.png Tank Hull Sides 2.png 100% 100% N/A Yes
Hull Back Main; Tank Armor AV3 Icon.png Medium I
Tank Hull Back 1.png
100% 100% N/A Yes
Tracks 750 Armor AV3 Icon.png Medium I Tank Tracks 1.png Tank Tracks 2.png 100% 0% N/A No
* Parts with their HP listed as "Main" do not have their own individual health. All damage dealt to these parts is dealt to the enemy's Main damage pool.
** Refer to armor values as defined in Damage.
*** The percentage of damage that applied to the enemies Main damage pool. At 0 HP, the enemy dies.

The Barrager Tank is equipped with a massive 33-barrel multiple rocket launcher and hull-mounted Fusion Repeaters. At medium range, it aims low and fires rockets directly at Helldivers. At long range, it aims upwards and acts as artillery to fire rocket barrages down onto Helldivers. Its launcher rotates slowly, but has a moderate rate of fire.
The Barrager Tank was first revealed in the Escalation of Freedom Announcement Trailer on July 23rd, 2024, and began appearing in-game on the update's release on August 6th, 2024.
  • Its rockets appear to be larger than other Automaton rockets, such as those from a Rocket Devastator or Hulk Bruiser.
  • It appears vulnerable while it transitions into artillery mode.


  • The Annihilator Tank resembles a downsized Baneblade super heavy tank from Warhammer 40,000, while its main gun seems to be based off of the Shadowsword's design.
    • Its turret bears a resemblance to the Challenger 2 main battle tank.
    • The coaxial machine gun on the Annihilator Tank's turret appears as a "Fusion Repeater" when pinged.
  • The Barrager Tank resembles the real-life Soviet TOS-1 Buratino multiple rocket launcher.

Change History




  • Front armor increased from 5 to 6.


Added variant: Barrager Tank.



  • The Tank armor value on the front has been lowered to be the same as the non-vent sections on the rear of the tank. The intent was initially that it was supposed to be more armored in the front, but the visual language did not show that.
  • The vents on the back of the Tanks turret will now check for explosion directions correctly.



  • Fix for crash which could occur when destroying automaton tanks.


Terminid icon.png

Scavenger Bile Spitter Pouncer Warrior Hive Guard Hunter Stalker Shrieker Bile Spewer Nursing Spewer Brood Commander Charger Impaler Bile Titan

Automaton icon.png

Trooper Commissar Scout Strider Berserker Devastator Gunship Hulk Tank Factory Strider Dropship