Eagle Cluster Bomb

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A targeted air strike unable to destroy buildings, but efficient at clearing smaller targets.

— Ship Management Terminal

The Eagle Cluster Bomb calls in a carpet bomb on the area thrown. A large amount of small bombs will land in the target zone and kill most small to medium enemies in the area. When called, the strike will be perpendicular from the direction you were facing when thrown.


  • Call-in Time: 0 Seconds
  • Uses: 4
  • Cooldown Time: 15 Seconds

Detailed Weapon Statistics

Eagle Cluster Bomb
Eagle Stock 4
Cooldown 15 sec
Capacity 8
Cluster Bomb 100kg Projectile
Cluster Bomb Explosion
Cluster Bomb Bomb Projectile x 8
Heavy Shrapnel Clusterbombs Explosion x 8
Cluster Bomb 100kg
Caliber 25 mm
Mass 100 g
Initial Velocity 300 m/s
Drag Factor 50%
Gravity Factor 100%
Lifetime 0.35 sec
Penetration Slowdown 25%
Standard 500
vs. Durable 500
Direct Armor AP5 Icon.png Heavy I
Slight Angle Armor AP5 Icon.png Heavy I
Large Angle Armor AP5 Icon.png Heavy I
Extreme Angle Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Special Effects
Demolition Force 40
Stagger Force 20
Push Force 15
Cluster Bomb
Area of Effect
Inner Radius 1 m
Outer Radius 2 m
Shockwave Radius 10 m
Inner Radius 350
Outer Radius 349 - 0
Inner Radius Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium I
Outer Radius Armor AP2 Icon.png Light II
Shockwave Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium I
AoE Effect
Demolition Force 30
Stagger Force 50
Push Force 40
Cluster Bomb Bomb
Caliber 40 mm
Mass 50 g
Initial Velocity 30 m/s
Drag Factor 50%
Gravity Factor 100%
Penetration Slowdown 25%
Standard 20
vs. Durable 2
Direct Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Slight Angle Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Large Angle Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Extreme Angle Armor AP0 Icon.png Unarmored
Special Effects
Demolition Force 10
Stagger Force 40
Push Force 10
Heavy Shrapnel Clusterbombs
Area of Effect
Inner Radius 3 m
Outer Radius 6 m
Shockwave Radius 8 m
Inner Radius 350
Outer Radius 349 - 0
Inner Radius Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium I
Outer Radius Armor AP2 Icon.png Light II
Shockwave Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium I
AoE Effect
Demolition Force 30
Stagger Force 50
Push Force 40

Each cluster bomb explodes into 8 submunitions, for a total of 64 with no upgrades.

Gameplay Tips

  • The cluster bomb is able to completely devastate a large area. Be careful of your fellow helldivers before throwing this stratagem out.
  • Most small and medium enemies in the area will be annihilated by the bombs. Use them against large groups of small and medium targets
  • Sometimes, you'll get lucky and one of the bombs will fall into a fabricator vent or bughole, destroying it, but don't count on it.
  • Like other explosive stratagems, Eagle Cluster Bomb can destroy optional missions objectives like the Illegal Broadcast Tower and Spore Spewer.

Applicable Ship Modules

The following Ship Modules affect the Eagle Cluster Bomb:

Department Ship Module Effect
Hangar Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit Reduces the cooldown time from 15 seconds to 7.5 seconds. Rounded to 8 in game.
Pit Crew Hazard Pay Reduces the rearm time when out of charges by 20%
Expanded Weapons Bay Increases the number of uses per rearm from 4 to 5
XXL Weapons Bay Increases the number of bombs dropped by 1


Tutorial Video Demonstrating Use of the Eagle Cluster Bomb