Orbital EMS Strike

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A "compliance weapon" to modify enemy behavior. The projectile stuns all targets within the strike radius.

— Ship Management Terminal

The Orbital EMS Strike a powerful utility Stratagem, useful for locking down enemy advances and/or for stunning high priority targets.

Stratagem Statistics

Call-in Time Standard 4.45 seconds
Upgraded 3.45 seconds
Uses Unlimited
Cooldown Standard 75 seconds
With Morale Augmentation 71.25 seconds
With Zero-G Breech Loading 67.5 seconds
With All Upgrades 64.125 seconds

Tactical Information

  • The shot is able to stun enemies like Chargers, allowing you to easily take them down.
  • You can use this stratagem to stun problematic enemies such as chargers, Devastators, and Berserkers in order to easily dispatch them.
  • You can use this stratagem in tandem with the Orbital Gas Strike, to make the gas strike more effective by stunning the enemy in place while the gas takes effect.
  • The initial impact of the shot will stun most enemies caught in the radius for 15-17.5 seconds.
  • The lingering cloud that is left behind will slow most enemies that walk into it and stun them if they remain inside for long enough.

Applicable Ship Modules

The following Ship Modules affect the Orbital EMS Strike:

Department Ship Module Effect
Zero-G Breech Loading Orbital stratagem cooldown time reduced by 10%.
Bridge Targeting Software Upgrade 1-second reduction in call-in time for all Orbital stratagems.
Morale Augmentation Reduces cooldown time for all Stratagems by 5%.


Tutorial Video Demonstrating Use of the Orbital EMS Strike