MLS-4X Commando

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Returning from Helldivers 1, the Commando is a disposable four-barrel anti-tank rocket launcher Support Weapon that can be fired with or without laser-guidance. It was introduced exclusively in the defense of Planet X-45, but has since been made available to all Helldivers effective July 9, 2024.

Stratagem Statistics

Call-in Time Standard 2 seconds
Upgraded 0 seconds
Uses Unlimited
Cooldown Standard 120 seconds
With Morale Augmentation 114 seconds
With Streamlined Request Process 108 seconds
With All Upgrades 102.6 seconds

Detailed Weapon Statistics

MLS-4X Commando
Cooldown 120 sec
Call-in Time 3 s
Capacity 4
Spare Rounds 0
Missile 66mm Projectile
Missile 66mm Explosion
Missile 66mm
Caliber 66 mm
Mass 350 g
Initial Velocity 70 m/s
Drag Factor 30%
Gravity Factor 100%
Lifetime 15 sec
Penetration Slowdown 25%
Standard 1100
vs. Durable 1100
Direct Armor AP6 Icon.png Anti Tank II
Slight Angle Armor AP6 Icon.png Anti Tank II
Large Angle Armor AP6 Icon.png Anti Tank II
Extreme Angle Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium
Special Effects
Demolition Force 30
Stagger Force 40
Push Force 25
Missile 66mm
Area of Effect
Inner Radius 1 m
Outer Radius 2 m
Shockwave Radius 4 m
Inner Radius 150
Outer Radius 149 - 0
Inner Radius Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium
Outer Radius Armor AP2 Icon.png Light
Shockwave Armor AP3 Icon.png Medium
AoE Effect
Demolition Force 30
Stagger Force 40
Push Force 40

Tactical Information

(Updated for 1.001.100 patch)

  • The Commando's laser-guided function requires manual guiding via crosshair. This function can be turned off via the weapon wheel to dumb-fire mode for short-to-medium range engagements and the missile will behave like an unguided EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank rocket.
  • Compared to the similarly disposable EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank stratagem:
    • The Commando deals 45% less damage per shot (1,100 vs. 2,000) but deals 11% more total damage per support weapon (4,400 vs. 4,000).
    • The Commando has a roughly 71.42% longer cooldown (120s vs. 70s).
  • The Commando's rockets have significantly slower velocity than other rockets.
    • The FAF-14 Spear's ATGM has the same projectile velocity as the Commando's rockets.
  • The Commando's rapid firing speed allows it to quickly respond to threats on the battlefield
  • It is possible to easily destroy Automaton Fabricators from a distance with 2 shots from a Commando.


Enemy Target Shots
Scavenger Anywhere 1
Pouncer Anywhere 1
Bile Spitter Anywhere 1
Warrior Anywhere 1
Hive Guard Anywhere 1
Hunter Anywhere 1
Brood Commander Anywhere 1
Alpha Commander Anywhere 1
Stalker Head 1
Body 1
Shrieker Anywhere 1
Bile Spewer Butt 1
Nursing Spewer Butt 1
Charger • Spore Charger • 

Charger Behemoth

Head 2
Butt 1
Impaler Face 1
Bile Titan Head 2
Enemy Target Shots
Trooper Anywhere 1
Commissar Anywhere 1
Scout Strider Anywhere 1
Berserker Torso 1
Devastator Torso 1
Gunship Fuselage 1
Hulk Head 1
Body 2
Vent 1
Annihlator Tank Barrel 2
Turret (F) 3
Turret (L/R) 2
Vent 1
Shredder Tank Barrel 2
Turret (F) 3
Turret (L/R)

& Vent

Barrager Tank Turret 3
Cannon Turret Barrel 2
Front 3
Sides & Vent 2
Dropship Thruster 2
Factory Strider Eye 3
Undercarriage 3
Structure Target Shots
Bug Hole Hole 1
Spore Spewer Anywhere 1
Shrieker Nest Anywhere 1
AA Emplacement Anywhere 1
Mortar Emplacement Anywhere 1
Automaton Fabricator Anywhere 2
Parked Dropship Anywhere 1
Command Bunker Core 2-4
Illegal Broadcast Tower Anywhere 1

Affected by

The following Ship Modules affect the MLS-4X Commando:

Department Ship Module Effect
Streamlined Request Process Decreases Support Weapon stratagem cooldown by 10%.
Bridge Morale Augmentation Reduces cooldown time for all Stratagems by 5%.
Streamlined Launch Process All Support Weapons launch once called in, reducing overall deployment time.


  • The MLS-4X Commando's design is based off of the M202 FLASH, which was prominently featured in the film Commando. The film also lends its name to the weapon.

Change History




  • Dedicated anti-tank weapons have all received significant damage boosts to enhance their effectiveness.
    • Projectile standard damage increased from 450 to 1100.
    • Projectile durable damage increased from 450 to 1100.
    • Projectile Demolition Force decreased from 40 to 30.
  • Demolition strength against structures has been reduced; it can no longer destroy Automaton Fabricators in a single shot. However, since the fabricators now have health, it can still take them out with two shots.


Added to the game.