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A heavily-armored walking exosuit equipped with a rocket launcher and heavy machine gun.

— Ship Management Terminal

The Rainbeon/Sandbox/ChangeHistory is produced by Morgunson Arsenal on the planet of Tien Kwan in the Theseus Sector. The EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit is equipped with a rocket pod housing fourteen rockets and a minigun holding 1,000 rounds of ammunition, and may also perform a melee stomp attack. It may not be taken alongside the EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit in missions.

Well done, Helldivers. Tien Kwan has been returned to the care of Managed Democracy. The Morgunson Arsenal, and its stockpile of freshly-produced Exosuits, were recovered intact. The EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit is now available for requisition.

— Quote from Major Orders

As of March 7, 2024, some EXO-45 units could be found on Tien Kwan. On March 8, 2024 the EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit was added to Helldivers 2 after the liberation of the planet, Tien Kwan.


Call-in Time 0 seconds
Uses 2
Cooldown 600 seconds

Detailed Weapon Statistics

Weapon not found: "Rainbeon/Sandbox/ChangeHistory"

Tactical Information

Patriot Specific

  • As of Patch 1.000.103 the suit does not accurately fire rockets and will launch them to the left of the aiming reticle.
    • This change was to fix a bug that fired the rocket into mech, killing the Helldiver and destroying the exosuit.
  • The Patriot's minigun is a lethal weapon against unarmored or lightly armored enemies such as Hunters or Troopers, but can also be used to damage critical components of enemies such as the vents on the back of the Annihilator Tank.
  • The Patriot's rockets are very effective at eradicating bug-nests, as one well placed missile can close one. However, it can also be used to dispose of medium armored enemies such as Berserkers, while heavily armored foes such as Annihilator Tanks are more resilient towards the rockets and are even immune to them in some cases, like with the Charger.
  • You can conserve ammo for both the missile launcher and mini-gun when you are only fighting small and low-ranking enemies such as Scavengers or Troopers, as the Patriot is capable of simply trampling these types of foes thanks to its size and weight.

General Exosuit

  • The hull of the Patriot is not very durable as friendly fire from weapons such as the AC-8 Autocannon, EAT-17 or even R-36 Eruptor can destroy the mech in as little as one shot. Rocket raiders & Rocket Devastators are also lethal threats against the mech, therefore it is ill-advised to bring it when fighting against the Automatons.
  • However, it is quite durable against Scavenger and Warrior melee attacks as well as small arms fire from the Automatons.
  • The rotational mobility of the mech suit is limited. Don't expect to quickly spin around to kill flanking enemies.
  • The Emancipator is highly resistant and even immune against many Fire-based weapons and hazards, such as Fire Tornadoes.
  • Other hazards such as Tremors, Ice Plants, Shrubs, and Blast Cones can be ignored or trampled. Barriers such as trees, light fencing, and certain rocks can also be cleared away when advancing with the Patriot.
  • When boarding the Patriot, you regain stamina and have the ability to Stim while inside the mech.
  • You can reach slightly higher ground if dismounting from the Patriot by positioning the back of the mech next to a reachable raised platform such as buildings found near Points of Interest or certain raised rock formations.
  • Equipping a SH-32 Shield Generator Pack while inside the Patriot allows the barrier to block certain attacks aimed at the mech from the front. Attacks which aim at the waist and below or behind will still deal damage to the exo-suit.
  • The Patriot’s melee stomp attack is capable of opening Cargo Containers found at Points of Interest.


  • The Patriot may be taken alongside the EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit if selected afterwards while the Patriot's icon is visibly at the very top or bottom of the selection menu.


Resupply Stratagem Icon.png
This section is missing information about additional trivia. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
  • This mech looks like a revamped EXO-44 Stomper Exosuit from Helldivers 1.
  • When originally revealed in the Report for Duty trailer, the EXO-45 was instead called EXO-44 Walker Exosuit MK3.
  • In-game, Helldivers still refer to the EXO-45 as a Walker when called-in.



Change History




  • Fixed crash that could occur if a player tried to enter an occupied EXO-45 Patriot Suit.
  • Fixed crash that could occur after shooting from the EXO-45 Patriot Suit’s rocket launcher.



  • Rockets will now penetrate armor only on direct hit.


  • Enemies now properly target Exosuits. Previously, many enemies effectively ignored Exosuits if a helldiver on foot was available for them to target.
  • Fixed Exosuits being able to fire their weapons while opening the minimap.
  • The Helldiver and the Exosuit both had a bug that made them sometimes take explosion damage multiple times making things like automaton rockets be too deadly, this is now fixed.



  • Exosuit no longer destroys itself when firing a missile while turning.
  • Exosuit now retains its melee functionality, even when damaged.